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People do not die from Alzheimer's. There is always another cause of death, usually cardiac arrest. Alzheimer's does acerbate the death process though.

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Q: Do people die from alzheimer's
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Related questions

What percentage of people die from alzheimers?

Zero. It may accelerate their death, but it is always caused by a secondary condition like cardiac arrest.

Is Alzheimers a disease that one can die from by itself or is it a disease that contributes to death without actually causing it?

one does die of alzheimers disease, if they are taken good care of, they wont die of anything else memory related. once alzheimers disease progresses to the autonomic nervous system(involuntary)the one that controls breathing,heartrate,vasoconstriction and dialation, it kills you. it does directly kill you eventually, it will stop your heart or lungs. most people arent taken care of enough to let them get to that stage. and they do die of a self inflicted injury(falls,hyperglycemia,pneumonia etc.)

What brain diseases happen to older people?

alzheimers, parkinsons, huntingtons

Can oxygen therapy cure alzheimers disease?

There is no cure for Alzheimers

What are the most common diseases faced by people?

Cancer MS Aspergers Sydrome Alzheimers

Do you die from alzheimers?

You don't die of Alzheimer's disease. It only destroys the memory of the brain, which causes other problems, such as forgetting to take medicine, or to eat.

How exactly does a alzheimers test work?

An alzheimers test can be a timely process. This website will help you:

How do people with Alzheimer's remember to take their medicine?

They don't usually people with alzheimers have to have a full time person to take care of them

Is there an alzheimers care center in Augusta?

There are several alzheimers care centers in Augusta. They offer complete services to care for alzheimers patients, with good reviews from family and friends.

Where can i get more information about Alzheimers disease?

You can check out the Alzheimers Association for information or talk with your Grandmothers doctor. Alzheimers Association would have a check list of questions that you can use to talk with her doctor.

How old was Ronald reagen when he got alzheimers?

Ronald Reagan was 83 years old when he got Alzheimers.

What is the ribbon color for dementia?

The ribbon that supports people with Alzheimers is purple.