

Do people eat hermit crabs

Updated: 12/3/2022
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Q: Do people eat hermit crabs
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Do humans eat hermit crab?

Hermit crabs do not eat people so you have nothing to worry about!! They mainly eat fruits and vegetables. Ask "What do hermit crabs eat" for answers on what they eat.

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What don't Hermit Crabs eat?

hermit crabs don't eat people. thank the lord! but they don't eat snacks like we eat. don't feed them chips or chocolate and any dessert. and please no sugar! we don't need any hyper hermit crabs!

Would hermit crabs eat lettuce?

yes hermit crabs would eat lettace

Can hermit crabs eat water flowers?

yes hermit crabs can eat water flowers.

What is the land hermit crabs eat?

land hermit crabs eat dried fruit,tree bark,dried ground marigold pettles.some people just give you hermit crab food

Can hermit crabs eat corn?

yes hermit crabs can eat corn they could eat anything cause there scavengers

Does a shark eat hermit crabs?

No just people if they're hungry.

What do hermit crabs kill and eat?

because they don,t like hermit crabs

What do hermit crabs feed on and how?

hermit crabs will eat anything but do not give them anything will butter on it it will kill them hermit crabs eat food by pinching the food and pulling it towards it mouth which is hidden to where we can't can't see them. that is why some people get pinched, the crabs think there is food on your hand and pinch

What types of crabs eat Algae?

hermit crabs

Can hermit crabs eat food coloring?

NO! Hermit crabs can't eat food coloring. the chemicals in it could kill them.