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Yes, there are differences between people of the number of vertebrae they have. There are usually 24 vertebrae in a human (not counting the sacrum and coccyx at the bottom of the spine) but not always. Some people have an extra lumbar vertebra, and they will have a total of 25 (not counting the sacrum and coccyx).

Some anatomists don't count the sacrum and coccyx as vertebrae, others count them as one vertebra each. But the coccyx can be composed of up to 5 separate vertebrae. Therefore, if you count the sacrum as 1 and the coccyx as 5 (more on that below), then the maximum total number could be counted up to 31 (but usually are not).

Here is how they add up:

There are five sections of the spine: cervical (neck), thoracic (trunk/back), lumbar (low back), sacrum (attaches other vertebrae to the pelvis) and the coccyx (tailbone).

Cervical vertebrae usually do not vary in number, there are 7.

Thoracic vertebrae also usually do not vary, there are 12.

Lumbar vertebrae are fairly often different in number from person to person. Usually there are 5, but many people have 6.

The sacrum is one vertebra that was formed in utero (before birth) during fetal development from a group of vertebrae that become fused together. How many of these fuse can vary. This is a reason for some people to have 6 lumbar vertebrae, the extra one is one that did not fuse to become part of the sacrum and then remains to count as a separate lumbar vertebra, the 6th one just before the sacrum.

The coccyx usually includes 4 vertebrae but can vary between 3-5. They can be all separate or all fused together or some fused and some separate.

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Five. Usually there are five lumbar vertebrae, but some people are born with six.

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