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Most people do, some more then others.

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Q: Do people have hair on their bottoms?
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Where on your body do you not have hair?

the palms of your hands and soles [bottoms] of your feet.

What do polar bears have on their feet that other bears don't?

Long hair on the bottoms.

Something you wear that begins with a b?

bottoms, bra, barette (in your hair), beard

Why do people only have hair on the top of their heads?

They don't. They have hair everywhere except for the palms of their hands and the bottoms of their feet. I know however its only on the top of our heads that the hair is thick and not on our arms legs etc. So I want to know why its only there and one or two other places that shouldn't be mentioned that the hair is thick.

Why do girls have hair on their stomach?

girls and guys have hair all over their bodies except for the palms of their hands and bottoms of their feet. its natural and comes from when we actually needed hair on our body's to stay warm.

How can cats have kittens through their bottoms?

the same way people do.

When you sew in a hair weave what do you do with the ends of the braids and do you leave the sides of the head out?

You Take The Ends Of The Braids & Pull Them Up So You Can Sew The Bottoms To The Braids. No The Whole Head Is Braided SOMETIMES People Leave Out Hair In The Temple Area To Blend It In & Make It Look Natural.

Why doesn't hair grow on your palms?

Hair on the palms and plants (bottoms of feet) would inhibit the ability of the those surfaces from grasping and hanging on. Since the hair was unuseful, it did not ever develop in primates, and other animals.

Is there any problem because of hairs on breast?

No, your body is covered with hair, its a natural protection for your skin, every part of your body has hair, except for bottoms of feet and palms of hands.

What Did They Where In The 1970s?

Polyester, long hair, bell bottoms, short skirts, short pants, a lot of women didn't wear bras.

How does one draw hair with bangs?

You can make two lines (The way you want it)and then put triangles without bottoms and there you go. But if you want different ones look what people have on televison and you will have different ones that you may like and can draw.

What is the meaning of the idiom 'Here's mud in your eye'?

Bottoms up! and Here's looking at you.;an expression said as a toast when people are drinking together. (Alludes to the bottoms of the drinking glasses.)