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No: people in Japan do not eat only fish and rice. They eat the same kinds of food you do, no matter where you are: Japan (especially the cities) has perhaps the largest number of restaurants or other eating establishments in the world, and virtually every kind of cuisine is available. Foreign foods have been incorporated into the Japanese diet for hundreds of years: tempura, for example, is originally a Portuguese dish.

Most people in Japan, it is true, do eat much rice, rice having been the staple food of the country for many hundreds of years (though millet was frequently substituted by the poor more than about 100 years ago).

Because Japan comprises many mountainous islands (which means that most of the population is relatively close to the sea), fish is a large part of the diet for people living in Japan; it is, however, by no means the exclusive diet of people in Japan.

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Of course. Why would they only eat rice?

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Q: Do people in Japan eat only fish and rice and why?
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It really depends on how you look at it. Sushi's first origins were arguably in China. Fish was stored in fermented rice as a means of preserving it, but the rice was never actually eaten with the fish. It was thrown away, so if you consider fish stored in rice to be the origin, then the answer would be China. After the storage idea had migrated to Japan, the Japanese took it further, and started eating the rice with the fish. It wasn't until the early 17th century, once again in Japan, that they started to season the rice (instead of the long process of fermenting it), and selling it as "sushi." Japan later sparked many further developments of this food type. So, if you mean the current food form, I would say Japan.

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