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Here on the Costa del Sol they grow see them on side verges. Lovely. The shops sell them so they are also grown in Spain too commercially.

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Q: Do people in Spain grow pomegranets?
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What do pomegranets grow on?

technically its a bush but it really looks like a treeyes pomegranates grow on trees

Do pomagranates grow on trees?

yes, but they are called african pomegranets.

Where in Spain do people grow grapes?

All over.

What do people grow in Spain?

In Spain they grow all sorts of fruits including Oranges, Pears, Mangos, Grapes, Strawberries, Peaches, Plums and Pomegranates

Where do you get the pomegranets on Poptropica?

you go to the garden of the sphinx and they are in a tree there.

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You have to get the pomegranets from the sphinx's garden and put them on the offering altar.

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i love you

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Where is the offering for Hades?

the offering is the pomegranet if you don`t have then here is the directions your on main street you go to your left until you reach a bridge cross it. then go to your left until you see a weird lady then jump up until you see a sign and a tree with pomegranets jump up by the tree and then you have the pomegranets.

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