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Yes. Many people grow poppies in the US, and some are used illegally for opium.

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Q: Can one grow opium in America?
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Related questions

What do people in Afghanistan do?

Grow opium

Where is opium made at?

Anywhere that opium poppies grow, like China, Afganistan, and Pakistan.

How does the opium poppy grow?

using sun

Why was opium production on the rise in Afghanistan?

because the United States of America is the great drug dealer. ever since the United States entered Afghanistan they have become one of the largest growers of opium, while at the same time opium(herion) is an epidemic in America. The C.I.A and F.B.I. are the drug lords.

What types of flowers grow in Afghanistan?

Opium poppies.

What opium seeds shold you order to grow opium?

papaver somneriferum. It's difficult to grow though if you don't have a warm climate

What crops grow in jalalabad?

Opium, Maize, Beans, Wheat, Fruit

What plant is codeine derived from?

opium poppy plant in south America

Why were the Indian cultivators unwilling to grow opium?

The crops should be grown on the land and fields that lay near villagers and well manures .if they plant opium on the land then pulses could not be grown there or they would have to grow on the interior land where harvests were poorer.

Who famous is associated with opium?

One example of a habitual opium user was Edgar Allan Poe.

Where does the United States get their opium from?

Bear in mind that there are many pain killers that are not derived from opium. However, America does legally import some opium to use in the pharmaceutical industry; it comes from the nation of Turkey.

How did China influence the world beyond Eastern Asia?

Opium and the Opium Wars is one of many ways.xx