


Opium derives from the poppy plant. Opiates include legal painkillers such as morphine, but also the illicit drug heroin.

371 Questions

Which part of the opium plant contains morphine?

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Morphine is primarily found in the latex sap of the opium poppy plant's unripe seed pods. The opium poppy's seed pods contain a milky liquid that contains morphine as well as codeine and other alkaloids.

Does clonazepam have opium in it?

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No, clonazepam does not contain opium. Clonazepam is a benzodiazepine medication used to treat anxiety and seizures, while opium is a naturally occurring substance derived from the poppy plant that is used as a narcotic analgesic. They are two separate substances with different mechanisms of action.

How do papaver somuniferum reproduce?

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Papaver somniferum, or the opium poppy, reproduces through the production of seeds. These seeds are contained within the seed pods that develop after the flowers are pollinated. Pollination is typically facilitated by bees and other insects. Once the seeds are mature, the pods dry out and release them for dispersal.

Why is the poppy flower the symbol of veterans day?

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Poppies became the symbol of sacrifice during World War 1 and the publishing of the poem by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae of the Canadian Army.

Follow the link below to read the poem and a short history of how it came about.

7. How did British trade with China trigger the Opium Wars?

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Asked by Wiki User

At the end of the 1830's the English had a negative trade balance with China. Negotiations were held but, by the end of the decade it was clear that China would not change their stance and the British were running out of silver. A decision was made to smuggle opium into China and sell it to try and recover some of the trade imbalance.

This worked well until the Emperor noticed the drain on his silver stockpile at which time he declared smoking opium a capitol crime and surrounded the trade enclave and threatened further action unless the foreign opium was sent out and destroyed.

The British, arguably the superpower of that time, sent their Expeditionary force from India and forced terms upon China.

How opium drug is taken?

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it is inhaled injected and ingested.

What could cause a drug test to be positive for Dilaudid?

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Not a 100% sure but the only thing I did differently than normal, and the messed up part is that they are prescribed that way is that I took 2 at one time. But I am on Oxy

30 IR every 4 to 6 as needed and 2 60 Morphine ER every 12hr and apparently I tested positive for dilaudid.

My Dr sent me a letter saying I tested positive and that he would not take care of me anymore and that I should ween my way off of the pain pills, like the pain has gone away? I so would get off of these things if I could but the pain is so intense that without the pills I don't want to live. So what the hell am I suppose to do? Blah Blah Blah... I hope this answers your question.

I believe that the morphine was the problem because I normally take 1 every 6 hrs.

Why does Afghanistan have such and illegal trade in Opium?

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Asked by Vany516

Afghanistan is not well-controlled by its government. Consequentially, any group that puts up enough resistance will get their own way. Since opium is quite expensive, there is a fairly large market for it, and poppies grow very well in Afghanistan's climate, opium is something that Afghanistan can make and trade easily.

Is opium a carcinogen?

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chemicaly speaking, heroin is not carcinogenic nor it is neurotoxic BUT:
- heroin is always cut with various chemicals that can be carcinogenic.
- heroin is so addictive that the lifestyle of addict greatly enhance the risks of cancers... for example viral infectious disease enhance the risk of liver cancers, bad nutrition, lack of hygiene, intravenous use, risky sexual intercourse, stress etc...

Which part of the poppy plant is opium obtained?

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Opium is not grown, rather the opium poppy plant (Papaver somniferum) The prefix to somniferum is somni which means sleepy.

After the opium poppy is planted it grows into a long stalk. Eventually flowers form at the top of the stalk and open with a little ball in the center with stamens (male parts containing pollen attached). This ball is the poppy pod, the flowers will fall off an all that will be left is a little pod on the end of the stalk.

This pod will grow bigger and bigger until it is ready for harvesting. Most people leave the pod on the plant and score the surface to allow opium latex to drain out the sides where it is then collected and processed into opium or heroin. The latex contains two basic active opioids, Morphine and Codeine. Most of the poppy crop uses some chemical process to turn the opium latex into heroin where it is sold in other countries like the united states.

I have no idea at the best way to do this or the actual process as I live in the United States and have never harvested poppies, or used heroin or opium, but this is generally how the plant grows.

It is quite a beautiful plant, especially right before the petals fall off and it is just quite a beautiful red poppy plant.

Can one grow opium in America?

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Yes. Many people grow poppies in the US, and some are used illegally for opium.

Is there opium in California poppies?

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maybe i am trying it PS the roots look like curates and are the most potent. I have done this before by smoking straight herb and got a 20 minits of a kinda floaty feeling. It is better to just grow opium i am doing that to

Is Percocet opium based?

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Oxycodone, the active ingredient in Percocet, like all opiates, is derived from opium. More specifically, oxycodone is derived from thebaine, which is derived from opium.

Opioids, which are synthetic opiate-like molecules, while not derived from opium, are modeled on opiates.

True or false The British ended the opium trade to China in 1836?

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Yes. In 1729, the Chinese imperial government, alarmed at its debilitating effect, prohibited the sale of opium mixed with tobacco and banned opium-smoking houses. Selling opium for smoking "was classed with robbery and instigation to murder, and punished with banishment or death," wrote Joshua Rowntree in "The Imperial Drug Trade," published in London in 1905. But this didn't stop Britain, which had gradually been taking over the opium trade from its European capitalist rivals, Portugal and Holland. Much of the opium at this time was grown and manufactured in British India. Capt. Hamilton, a private British adventurer who spent 40 years in India in the first part of the 18th century, described the city of Patna there as "frequented by Europeans, where the English and Dutch have factories. It produces so much opium that it serves all the countries in India with that commodity."

Is the opium poppy myhrr?

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No, hashish (hash) is not an opiate drug. It is concentrated THC (the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana). It is made from marijuana, in fact.

How do you harvest opium?

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you grind the seeds and dissolve them with acetone

the us government kows this

but chemical companies like dow, dupont ,union carbide and all the drug companies have huge pacs and lots of lobbyists

so the government cant find out why small farms in costa rico panama mexico or even the usa need truckloads of acetone.

it is more beneficial to individual congressmen and senators to take pac $$ than to stop drug traffic

What was a result the opium wars?

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Britain gaind the right to trade with china

Why if the following was a motive of the in the opium wars?

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Trade. Export of opium to China (grown in British India) had been a very profitable business for the British. When the Chinese Government tried to put a stop to it, Britain started the war to force China to re-open its market for this British export product.

Which statement best summarizes China's response to industrialization following the Opium Wars?

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China launched a government-led program to industrialize its military and economy.

Where does the United States get their opium from?

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Bear in mind that there are many pain killers that are not derived from opium. However, America does legally import some opium to use in the pharmaceutical industry; it comes from the nation of Turkey.