

Do people live on Saturn

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8y ago

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No; in our solar system people live only on Earth

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Q: Do people live on Saturn
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What kind of people live in Saturn?

Nobody lives on Saturn. We know of know people who live anywhere except earth.

Can people live inside Saturn why or why not?

on won new that saturn had any rings until the 1600

Does Saturn have an atmasrphere?

no.if it did people would live there already

Can people live in a Saturn V rocket?

People a boarded the ship in 2024 and noone could live in a ship can they!!

What would have to be changed to live on Saturn?

Saturn is a gas planet. I really don't think saturn can change for people because it is in it's own world.

Why don t people live on Saturn?

It is not habitable or suitable for life.

Can someone live in Saturn?

No, no one can live on Saturn because it is in outter space

Does people live on Saturn?

They would be considered animals or alians So no one realy knows

What type of clothes should you where on Saturn if i live there?

A burial shroud. It would be impossible to live on Saturn.

Does anyone live on Saturn?

We haven't found out yet, but most likely not as Saturn is made of gas.

Why can't people plants or animals live on Saturn?

People, plants, or animals like those we know can't live on Saturn becasue:it is very coldthere is now liquid waterthere is no oxygenthere is probably no solid surface, or if ther eis, the atmospheric pressure there is extremely high

How can you live on Saturn?

You Can't!