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Yes - since light travels faster than sound, you will see the lightning flash before hearing the sound of the thunder.

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Q: Do people see lightning before the sound of thunder reaches us?
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What weather comes before a thunderstorm?

When a lightning bolt travels from the cloud to the ground it actually opens up a little hole in the air, called a channel. Once then light is gone the air collapses back in and creates a sound wave that we hear as thunder. The reason we see lightning before we hear thunder is because light travels faster than sound.

Why is the sound of a thunder heard after the lighting is seen although they are produced at the same time?

Thunder is the sound caused by lightning. Also the speed of light travels much faster than the speed of sound, so people should see lightning before they hear thunder.

How are people affected by thunder and lightning?

because its loud

Why people scared of lightning?

Because it can kill you. Thunder can not.

Can you hear thunder?

I can always hear thunder in thunder and lightning, everyone can, except for deaf people of course because they can't hear anything.

What is the history on thunder and lightning?

it has killed people more than 37 or 100 people

Why did people hear a loud rumble before the shaking began in christchurch?

P waves are also faster than S waves, and this fact is what allows us to tell where an earthquake was. To understand how this works, let's compare P and S waves to lightning and thunder. Light travels faster than sound, so during a thunderstorm you will first see the lightning and then you will hear the thunder. If you are close to the lightning, the thunder will boom right after the lightning, but if you are far away from the lightning, you can count several seconds before you hear the thunder. The further you are from the storm, the longer it will take between the lightning and the thunder. P waves are like the lightning, and S waves are like the thunder. The P waves travel faster and shake the ground where you are first. Then the S waves follow and shake the ground also. If you are close to the earthquake, the P and S wave will come one right after the other, but if you are far away, there will be more time between the two.

Why does thundering occur with out lightning?

While lightning produces very high temperatures, the amount of air it heats is fairly small. In most cases a bolt of lightning is a few miles away, too far away to feel the heat. People have felt the heat from lightning, but only when it struck dangerously close.

Why do people stay out of swimming pools in a thunder storm?

because water attracts lightning.

What does Selena Gomez mean when she says you are the thunder and im the lightning in her new song Naturally?

Them lyrics are from the song Naturally, and they mean: Thunder and Lightning nearly always come together and when you think thunder you think lightning. Selena mean's in Naturally that she's found that special person who belongs with her, like thunder belongs with lightning. It's hard to describe. Lightning comes with thunder so Selena means they are never one with out the other. She's found the thunder to her lightning = she founds the person that belongs with her. III THIINK.

Why is lightning heard before thunder?

Lighting always comes just before thunder because it is the heat of lightning that causes thunder. Lightning is seen when there is a discharge of atmospheric electricity in the clouds or between clouds and the ground. The energy from the lightning heats the air and causes a sudden expansion of the air (followed by a rapid contraction), which results in the sound called thunder. Since the heat of lightning causes the expansion that results in thunder, the lighting must come first. (see related link below) Because light travels faster than sound, an observer will normally perceive a delay between lightning and thunder. This delay increases with farther distance from the actual lightning strike. People will often count the seconds that pass after they see lightning until they hear the thunder. The shorter the time observed between the two, the closer the lightning is to the observer. - In English units, every 5 seconds of delay is about a mile in distance. - In metric units, every 3 seconds of delay is about a kilometer in distance.

Were early humans scared of thunder and lightning and why?

Yes, many of them probably were. Thunder is a loud sound, and early people did not know what caused it. More than a few people in early days observed that lightning could kill people without warning. Some attributed such events to angry deities.