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No. they text and drive because of sheer stupidity.

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Q: Do people text and drive because of emergencies?
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Cell phones are used for calling your friends or for emergencies.

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When people text and drive who does they effect?

they effect yourseif and others

Does age affect who texts while they drive?

No Because If You Drive Text You an Be In A Accident And Probable Die

Why do people text in class?

People choose to text in class because its the best way to communicate with your friends during school hours. Other people text because their bored in their classes.

Who is the texting and drving law for?

For making sure people don't text and drive.

Why do people text bully?

People may text bully because they feel a sense of anonymity behind a screen, making it easier to say hurtful things without facing immediate consequences. Additionally, they may be seeking attention or trying to assert dominance over others. It can also be a way for them to vent their own insecurities or frustrations onto someone else.

Why do people text and drive?

Because they think it's convenient to do both at the same time. They become oblivious to the fact that they are inflicting self-danger to themselves and fellow drivers around them.

Should you get your eleven year old a cellphone?

for emergencies, yes. but when you're 11, who do you really need to call or text?

Why it is bad to text and drive?

Because you can't see what you are doing and you can cause a Car crash and kill yourself or others.

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Is it illegal to text and drive in Australia?
