

Do people with Ashberser's syndrome get depressed?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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It's spelled "Aspergers" and yes, they do get depressed.

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Q: Do people with Ashberser's syndrome get depressed?
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Asperger's Syndrome (AS) is not fatal. People do not die from it, at least not directly. People with AS tend to have some motor control problems so they can be more accident-prone. Theoretically, this could lead to the occasional fatal accident. Also, people with AS can become depressed because of the difficulties caused by the condition. There is a higher rate of suicide among people with AS.

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Are people with Asperger's severely depressed?

Just like anyone, they can be, but it is not a symptom of having the syndrome. Because they can't conceptualize in social situations, they can often isolate themselves and refuse contact with anyone they feel they can't trust.

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This is a syndrome for people who have lots of problems!

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It really depends on the length of time you feel depressed and the the strength of the depression. Some people "feel" depressed or sad and some people "are" depressed.

If a women with Down syndrome is pregnant what would be the negatives and the positives during the pregnancy?

A pregnancy with Down Syndrome would be the same as any other pregnancy. But, there's a chance that if the mother finds out that her child has Down Syndrome by having some testing done, she might become depressed.

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