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Interbreeding of pigs is possible, although it has negative effects on the litter. Some of these effects include smaller litter size, low pig weight, and slow growth in the piglets' early life.

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Domestic hogs kept in breeding facilities have no say so as far as who breeds with whom, the farmer is the one to select the breeding animals.

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Q: Do pigs allows other pigs to mate with their female?
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How long does it take guinea pigs to recover from losing a mate?

No time at all. They do not really bond with other guinea pigs, so when their mate dies it does not affect them at all.

How do guinea pigs mate?

they mate by the male running after the female and he corners her then he will get on top of her and release his penise into the females the male is pretty much humping the female.=]LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLits actually the male doing a dance for the female by waving his hips around and making a weird purr, and then he jumps on her, and does the crazzyy. ;) believe me, i had two guinea pigs, that's what happened, and they had babies.if its a male they mate with a female if its female they mate with a male the female becomes pregnant and give live birth in a couple weeks. all mammals are like this

Can guinea pigs draw blood?

Yes, male guinea pigs usally do if there fighting for a female to mate with. Also, they can draw blood on there owners if they feel unsafe or annoyed. Hope this helps! Keep Squeaking! Yes, male guinea pigs usally do if there fighting for a female to mate with. Also, they can draw blood on there owners if they feel unsafe or annoyed. Hope this helps! Keep Squeaking!

Do female guinea pigs spray?

No! It is not possible without a male Guinea Pig.

I was thinking of mating my two guinea pigs but i don't know how long i should wait because the female is quite young about 2 months When should i mate them?

Female guinea pigs usually don't have babies until they are about 4 months old.

Related questions

Can 2 female guinea pigs mate?


Can pigs mate with other animals?

no but you can mate with them

Can two female guinea pigs try to mate?

It's unheard of.

Do female guinea pig have to mate to have babies?

Yes, guinea pigs must mate to produce offspring.

Should you mate your albino guinea pigs?

well just like any other guinea pigs they can be and are allowed to mate

Can guinea pigs go near other guinea pigs?

Yes, though make sure your pet doesn't have any illness that could infect other guinea pigs. Even putting a male with a female or vice versa could be a problem, as the female could come into heat and the male will mate with her, which you may not want.

Can two female guinea pigs pee on each other?

Sometimes girls pee on boys if the boy is trying to mate with her and she doesn't want him to. If the guinea pigs are the same gender then one could be annoying the other.

Does my two female guinea pigs trying to mate with each other mean they are lesbian?

Good grief, no. One is simply showing dominant behavior over the other one.

How old do female guinea pigs have to be to mate?

3 months old to be exact - pretty sure

What will happen if you put a ginea pig and a bunnie together?

Rabbits and Guinea pigs should not be allowed to have contact with each other because of the possible injuries and/or fighting that could result.

Is it Norma for two boy quinea pigs to be mating?

Its normal but if you have a female(s) and the male and the female choose not to mate this could mean that the female is too dominant in the group but if there is too males alone its normal but if you want them to mate, get two females!!

How long does it take guinea pigs to recover from losing a mate?

No time at all. They do not really bond with other guinea pigs, so when their mate dies it does not affect them at all.