

Do plants grow better in water or bleach?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Do plants grow better in water or bleach?
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Related questions

How does bleach affect plants vs water?

Bleach affects plants by making the plant die and the water just makes the plant grow

Do plants grow faster with flavor water or tap water?

well plants grow better in regular water but if they get any water they will still grow

Do bamboo plants grow better in water or in dirt?

They grow better in dirt.

Will warm water make plants grow better?

yes usually when plants are given warm water the grow better and comparatively faster

Do plants grow better in soil or water alone?

Well veggies grow better in water. While flowers grow better in soil.

What is the problem about do plants grow better in water or soil?

plants grow better in soil because all the nutrients that are needed for it to grow are in the soil

What helps plants grow better water or soil?

I can tell you that soil helps plants grow better than water because of all nutrients

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Do plants grow better with coffee water or juice?

No .

Do plants grow better hot or cold water?

warm water

Do plants grow better with water and sugar or just water?

just water

Do plant grow better in clay or sand?

plants that like water grow better in clay and plant that don't like water grow better in sand. like cactus