

Do plants supply us with both carbon and oxygen?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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No, the plants transform carbon into oxygen, same goes for trees.

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Q: Do plants supply us with both carbon and oxygen?
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Do plants supply us with both carbon and oxygen for your bodies with energy?

No they only supply us with oxygen,CO2

Do green plants supply food and oxygen to a deer?

No dear, they supply one or the other, but not both.

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During a 24-hour cycle plants continously use oxygen or carbon dioxide or both?

Plants repertory system is backwards from animals.They breath in Carbon Dioxide and breath out Oxygen.

What process do both plants and animal use carbon dioxide for it?

Both plants and animals use oxygen in their body chemistry.Animals exhale carbon dioxide.Plants give off mostly oxygen during the daylight hours when photosynthesis occurs, but excrete carbon dioxide at night.

What is the main 3 products of photosynthesis?

Oxygen and glucose are both important products of photosynthesis. Both plants and animals need the food, and both plants and animals need the oxygen.

What gas is both harmful and beneficial to life on Earth oxygen or carbon dioxide or ozone?

All of them. Oxygen allows animals to live, carbon dioxide allows plants to live, and ozone protects all from UV radiation. However, plants are poisoned by oxygen and animals are poisoned by carbon dioxide; both are also poisoned by ozone.

Why is that oxygen is needed in animals and carbon dioxide needed in plants?

Both plants and animals need O2 for respiration.CO2 is needed by plants for photosynthesis.

Which gas is needed by plants for respiration?

Oxygen is the gas that animals use in respiration. Plants use both oxygen and carbon dioxide. (This is assuming you mean cellular respiration.)

Which gas does plants breadth?

Plants taken both oxygen and carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is used to make sugars and oxygen is liberated in the process. This occurs during the day due to photosynthesis. At night the plant require atmospheric oxygen for the air to carry out its cellular respiration.

Do plants provide animals with oxygen?

Both plants and animals use oxygen in their body chemistry. Animals exhale carbon dioxide. Plants give off mostly oxygen during the daylight hours when photosynthesis occurs, but excrete carbon dioxide at night.