

Do polar bears live for a long time?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Polar Bears live an average of 15-18 yrs.

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Q: Do polar bears live for a long time?
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How many penguins can a polar bear eat at one time?

Penguins live in the southern hemisphere, polar bears live in the northern hemisphere. So polar bears do not eat penguins.

Are there polar bears in the Arctic Ocean region?

That is where they live full time.

Do polar bears spend most of their time on land?

Polar bears eat seals, and seals are found in the sea.

Why is it impossible to see a penguin and a polar bear in the wild at the same time?

because penguins live in Antarctica and polar bears live in the northern hemisphere

Polar bears meet their female polar bears at what time?

Usually at the age of 4

Are polar bears able to live in the desert?

No, polar bears are adapted to living in the northern polar region, the Arctic, where they spend much of their time hunting seals on the sea ice. They might survive in Antarctic Desert but they are not native to that continent.

For how long will polar bears live?

no one knows for how long it will take for them to die out but i hope its not for a long time. they were going to die with hunting but now that is controlled by law and now global warming i think they are doomed.

How do polar bears reproduce their species?

Polar bears are mammals, so they bear live young. What is different about polar bears is that the implantation of the fertilized egg is delayed until the time of year is right for cubs to be born. It takes 65 days from that time and cubs are usually born between November and January in the den.

Can polar bears breathe underwater?

No, polar bears have lungs just like humans and other mammals. Polar bears can hold their breath for several minutes at a time, but they have to come up to breath frequently.

What large animals live in the Arctic?

Polar bears and walruses. Also, whales spend some of their time there.

Why is the polar bear endangered in the Arctic tundra?

Global Warming is melting the ice where they live, and they can only swim for so long.

How is a polar bear different from a grizzly bear?

Polar Bears are different to Grizzly Bears even though they are in the same family, they are different because Polar Bears have a longer neck and Grizzly Bears live on land more than on the sea ice.They are different because polar bears are white and grizzly's are brown or black also polar bears live in the Artic and grizzly's live in woods.