

Do primates have hair

Updated: 10/9/2023
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11y ago

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People often confuse the terms hair and fur. Physically speaking, they might not be too different from each other but what truly differentiates between the two is how they grow. Fur grows and sheds periodically like a wolf's pelt become thicker during the winter. It is generally bigger and thus more important so it is regulated. If it is not regulated periodically as it is in Humans then it is considered hair. Humans constantly grow and lose hairs in a sporadic way. This does not make it worse, it just doesn't need to be as maintained as fur does. Some primates like humans have hair while other primates have fur.

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Q: Do primates have hair
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Do primates have hair or fur?

Technically, fur and hair are the same thing so yes they have hair.

Are humans primates or mammals?

Humans are mammalsAnswer 2Mammals are warm-blooded, have fur or hair, feed their young with milk from mammary glands (breasts) and give birth to live young.Reptiles are cold blooded, have no fur or hair, do not feed their young with milk, and lay eggs.I'm sure you can work it out from that.

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Do primates have eyebrows?

Well, humans are primates and we have eyebrows. Most primates have enough facial hair/fur that it is hard to identify the eyebrow as one easily can on a human. But, yes it is there.

Are all primates mamels?

Yes, unless by 'primates' you actually mean something that isn't a primate. Primates care for their young, give milk, have advanced brains and sensory organs, and have hair so yes they are mammals, as are humans.

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dark and curly hair. muscular nature.

Which animals pick their hair and why?

Primates do, to get rid of pests that live in their hair or on their skin. Other animals groom themselves for the same reason, such as cats and dogs.

Why are you the only primate virtually without body hair?

Good question. We don't really know. There are several options, and the most famous (or infamous, really) is the aquatic ape theory. Other options could be runaway sexual selection or the handicap principle. Try Googling these and see what you find. To add, an important distinction to make is that we aren't the only primates without body hair. We are the only living primates without body hair. Our direct primate ancestors, over years of evolution, slowy lost body hair for different reasons. In simplest terms, this occured because they did not need such body hair to survive in their enviroment. Other living primates today have different amounts of body hair because of the different attributes they evolved to have. Many primates may be able to surive without their body hair, but they do not lose it because they continue to breed with other who have such attributes.

Can primates swim?

well an orangutan has been swimming in a orangutan shelter her name was princess she is one of the most intelligent Orangutans ever. but most monkeys and lemurs cant swim, but chimpanzees Bonobos and Orangutans have been seen wading through the water using sticks to balance themselves if its deep. hope that helped you!

Why doesn't hair grow on your palms?

Hair on the palms and plants (bottoms of feet) would inhibit the ability of the those surfaces from grasping and hanging on. Since the hair was unuseful, it did not ever develop in primates, and other animals.

What is a champanzee's phylum?

Chimpanzees are in these classifications: Phylum-Chordata- which are chordates Class-Mammals- which have hair Order- Primates- the same as humans

What is the difference between primates and chimpanzees?

All chimpanzees are primates but not all primates are chimpanzees. Humans, for instance, are primates.