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Producers. Without them there would be no consumers because they would have nothing to consume.

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Q: Do produces or consumers play a more important role in the food chain?
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Which level in the food chain is most important?

Tertiary Consumers

What make a food chain with a produces and 3 consumers?

algae, small invertebrates, fish, shark, humans

Why producer and consumers is important?

producers are very important in the food chain because all living creatures eat producers to live.they are called consumers.

What is transferred from producers to consumers and decomposers in the food chain?

Energy is transferred betweenproducers to consumers and decomposers in the food chain.

Are consumers at the bottom of the food chain?

No. Producers are at the bottom of the food chain.

What if there will be no producers in the food chain?

Then no consumers will eat it and no food for 2nd consumers. Then no life

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Herbivores are at the second level of the food chain. Rhinos are herbivores and are considered primary consumers which means they're first consumers in the food chain.

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Primary consumers are second in the food chain.

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