

Do puffer fish swim in the open?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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all puffer fish swim freely in the ocean but they watch out for their pray

all puffer fish swim freely in the ocean but they watch out for their pray

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Q: Do puffer fish swim in the open?
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How do puffer fish move?

they swim

How do fish move around?

Puffer fish swim like any other fish, by using their fins and streamlined body for movement and gills for breathing. The puffer fish only bloats up its body when it is threatened making it difficult to swim but its not like that all the time, in fact the puffer fish is a very good swimmer

Can a puffer fish move?

They swim and are popular in salt water aquariums.

What is the movement of a puffer fish?

A puffer fish moves like any other fish. They swim through the water and puff up when they feel that they need to be defensive. They have tiny fins.

Are there other animals in a puffer fish habitat?

Yes. Animal Plankton (very tiny orgaisms that swim through the water and is basically food for the puffer fish.)

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How is a puffer fish adapted?

puffer fish are ugly

What is daily life for a puffer fish?

puffer fish wake up hunt. Then eat the food. The puffer fish try not to get eaten. so if you like puffer fish or blow fish help them

Is a puffer fish nice to other non-puffer fishes?

Most Puffer Fish are compatible with fish around the same size of the Puffer Fish. If you have a fish a lot bigger, or smaller than the puffer, it has a lower chance of being "nice" to the other fish.

In which zone does the puffer fish live.?

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How long does a puffer fish live?

Puffer Fish lives from 4-8 years