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In human years, that is equal to about 20 years, so yes. Many dogs can lose their teeth when they are only a year old. My shih-tzu has already lost 4 teeth and they have grown back, and she is only 1 year old.

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15y ago

i have a pug and i say


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Q: Do pugs loose their teeth after being a puppy?
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Do you have to brush your pugs teeth?

You have to brush any dog's teeth!

How many teeth do pugs have?


Why are pugs wrinkly?

Pugs have wrinkly skin due to their breeding and genetics. Their loose, wrinkled skin allows them to have flexibility and range of movement. It is one of the characteristics that make pugs unique and endearing.

Are pugs cuter when there asleep or awake?

to me, asleep.... if you have a pug puppy, it'll be awake

What breed of dogs stick their bottom teeth out?

Bulldogs, pugs, boston terriers, and boxers

What is the problem if your pug puppy has loose bowels and won't eat?

If he's not drinking you should take your puppy to the vet immediately as he could dehydrate very quickly and eventually die. If he's drinking then try giving him plain runny rice pudding cooked in water for one or two meals. If his stool does not become more solid within a day or so then go to the vet. Pugs are not usually fussy eaters and being off their food is a sign something is wrong.

What do you like better black pugs or fawn pugs?

well i have got a black pug and a fawn pug. my black pug is still a puppy and is really sweet but she acts retarted. my fawn pug is really smart at times I like fawn better...I think because black pugs have lots of heath issues (: Hope that helps -CheerPrincess212

What do baby pugs like to chew on?

Baby pugs like to chew on anything and every thing me knowing because i have pug she wanted to chew and tear up everything but i love her they cant help their need to chew on something because of their teeth they are a Chinese dog and they have messed up teeth if u have a pug look at h/er teeth they are growing in and behind the other teeth so i would suggest a teddybear. Thank you, Answerwhiz348

Why is Pugs?

Why is pugs what.

Are pugs rodent?

No, pugs are dogs.

Where did pugs originate from?

China. There are records of Pugs being around the Shang dynasty, about 400 BCE.

What is the dog which loves sun?

Pugs love being outdoors. I used to own one.