

Do pumpkins grow bigger when fed milk?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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Q: Do pumpkins grow bigger when fed milk?
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Does a pumpkin grow bigger when fed milk?

No because pumpkin is a plant and it grows by its own when providing nutrients, water, soil, sunlight and more. It uses photosynthesis to grow and give food by itself. We can help them grow by giving them water, putting them in a sunny area and more. Mammals are the only organisms that grow when fed milk at young age.

What happens when flaminngo are young?

They are fed and grow bigger and older.

How does a panther's offspring grow?

It is fed by it mother and gets bigger and bigger, learning how to fend for itself under her tutelage.

Why milk and energy drinks are hot good for plant?

I know of two good uses for milk regarding plants: 1. 1/2 cup of milk mixed with 1 gallon of water placed in a spray bottle and spray onto plants infected will kill powdery mildew. The lactobacillus that sours milk kills the mildew. 2. Milk fed to pumpkins; by injection into the stem of the plant is an aid to growing larger pumpkins.

How does flesh of a calf change as it gets older?

Muscle fibers in a calf grow in size and lengthen as the bones grow and develop. What a calf eats also determines the fleshing ability of a calf; a calf that is fed good quality milk and good forage is one that is more fatter, or has internal fat in with the muscle tissue as well as some external adipose tissue. Such a calf also tends to grow bigger than one that has been fed low quality forage and hasn't had much or very good quality milk. Such a calf tends to be thinner, leaner, and more ranky than a "soggy" calf.

What are the release dates for A Milk-Fed Vamp - 1917?

A Milk-Fed Vamp - 1917 was released on: USA: 25 November 1917

How are the babies fed?

Foals generally nurse from their mother's udder to consume milk. An orphaned foal can be bottle fed milk replacer.

What can newborn puppies be fed if they arn't getting enough milk?


How are the baby horses fed?

Foals generally nurse from their mother's udder to consume milk. An orphaned foal can be bottle fed milk replacer.

What food does a baby tiger get fed?

baby tigers get feed on milk by their mother all mammales get fed on milk from their mother by Samantha pooleman

What are some things that eat?

Young kittens should be fed milk, either by the mother or from a bottle. Once they begin to grow teeth they need to be fed soft food first, and then dry food if you wish to feed them dry food as an adult.