



Milk is one of the world's most common beverages. You add it to your cereal, you dunk cookies in it. It also "does a body good." Ask questions about this calcium-rich animal product here.

1,978 Questions

Why phenopthalein and milk of magnesia pink in colour?

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Phenolphthalein turns pink due to its acidic pH, particularly in the presence of an acid. Milk of magnesia, which contains magnesium hydroxide, can turn pink when exposed to air due to slow oxidation of magnesium ions. This pink color change is not indicative of any chemical reaction or specific property of milk of magnesia.

Why is there a shortage of milk of magnesia?

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Shortages of milk of magnesia can be due to disruptions in the supply chain, increased demand, production issues, or raw material shortages. Factors like increased global demand, logistics delays, and unexpected events can also contribute to shortages.

What substances are used to make milk?

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Milk is produced by mammals, primarily from cows for human consumption. It primarily contains water, lactose (milk sugar), proteins (such as casein and whey), fats, and various vitamins and minerals.Milk is produced by mammals, primarily from cows for human consumption. It primarily contains water, lactose (milk sugar), proteins (such as casein and whey), fats, and various vitamins and minerals.Milk is produced by mammals, primarily from cows for human consumption. It primarily contains water, lactose (milk sugar), proteins (such as casein and whey), fats, and various vitamins and minerals.Milk is produced by mammals, primarily from cows for human consumption. It primarily contains water, lactose (milk sugar), proteins (such as casein and whey), fats, and various vitamins and minerals.

When taking milk of magnesia can it be mixed in to juice?

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Yes, you can mix milk of magnesia into juice to make it easier to take, as it can have a chalky or gritty texture when taken alone. However, be sure to follow the instructions provided by your healthcare provider or on the product label for the proper dosage and administration.

Do we drink harmful bacteria spores in Pasteurized milk?

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Pasteurization kills harmful bacteria in milk, including spores, by heating the milk to a high temperature and then rapidly cooling it. As long as the pasteurized milk is handled and stored properly, the risk of consuming harmful bacteria, including spores, is significantly reduced.

What might happen if you try to open a file that which was created with a program that is not installed on my computer?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you try to open a file created with a program not installed on your computer, you may encounter an error stating that the file format is not supported. The file may not open properly or may show as corrupted. To open the file successfully, you'll need to install the program used to create it or use a compatible program that supports the file format.

What new substance is formed when milk is added to vinegar?

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Asked by Villacarlosmn

When milk is added to vinegar, it forms curds and whey. The acid in vinegar causes the protein in the milk, called casein, to coagulate and separate from the liquid whey component. This process is commonly used to make homemade cheese or paneer.

Why total soluble solid content decreases during refrigeration of mango pulp?

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During refrigeration, the total soluble solid content in mango pulp may decrease due to the formation of crystals of sugars and other soluble solids, causing them to precipitate out of the solution and giving the appearance of reduced soluble solids. Additionally, enzymatic activity may break down some of the soluble solids into other compounds, leading to a decrease in total soluble solid content. Refrigeration can also cause a slight amount of water loss from the pulp, which concentrates the remaining soluble solids and gives the impression of a decrease in total soluble solids.

How does hot weather affect milk?

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Hot weather can lead to the growth of bacteria in milk more quickly, causing it to spoil faster. It can also affect the storage temperature of milk, leading to early curdling and separation of fats and proteins. Additionally, hot temperatures can affect the taste and quality of milk, making it less appealing to consume.

Is powder milk light sensitive?

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Powdered milk is not typically light-sensitive and can be stored in a container that protects it from moisture and odors in a cool, dark place. Exposure to light may cause subtle changes in flavor or discoloration, but it is generally not a significant concern for powdered milk.

My hamsters gave birth to two babies today and they were both eaten. How should I take care of the babies when the next ones come out?

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Asked by Safiria144

It's important to provide a safe and quiet environment for the mother and her babies. Ensure the mother has sufficient food, water, and nesting material. Handle the babies minimally to avoid stressing the mother. If you notice any signs of distress or lack of care from the mother, consult with a vet for advice.

Does sugar make nails rust?

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No, sugar does not make nails rust. Rusting is a process that happens when iron or steel reacts with oxygen and water to form iron oxide. Sugar does not contain the elements necessary for rusting to occur.

Does chocolate milk make iron rust?

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No, chocolate milk does not make iron rust. Rusting is a chemical reaction that occurs when iron is exposed to water and oxygen over time, causing it to corrode. Chocolate milk does not contain the necessary components to facilitate this reaction.

Does oxytocin control milk production?

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Yes, oxytocin plays a key role in milk ejection during breastfeeding. When a baby suckles, oxytocin is released from the brain, causing the muscles around the milk-producing cells to contract and push milk into the ducts for the baby to feed on.

How do you make a fizzy drink explode?

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Making a fizzy drink explode is dangerous and should not be attempted. Adding mentos candies or other substances to carbonated drinks can create a rapid release of carbon dioxide gas, causing the drink to rapidly foam and potentially burst out of its container with force. This can lead to injuries and is not a safe or responsible activity.

A housewife churned full cream milk with a milk churner?

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Churning full cream milk with a milk churner helps separate the cream from the milk. The continuous agitation causes the fat globules in the milk to clump together and rise to the surface, creating butter. The remaining liquid is buttermilk.

What is the largest milk producing country of the world?

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The largest milk producing country in the world is India. India is a leading producer of milk, with a large number of dairy farms and a significant dairy industry that supplies milk products for domestic consumption and export.

What makes dish soap separate food coloring in a bowl of milk?

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Dish soap contains molecules that are attracted to both water and fat. When dish soap is added to a bowl of milk with food coloring, the soap molecules surround the fat in the milk and disrupt the surface tension. This causes the colors to spread out and separate as the fat and water in the milk become mixed.

Why would a milk bottle probably crack if boiling water were poured into it?

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The sudden change in temperature can cause the milk bottle to expand rapidly and crack due to thermal stress. The glass or plastic material may not be able to withstand the heat, especially if it was not designed for hot liquids.

What is the objective of color changing milk of magnesia?

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The objective of color-changing milk of magnesia is to show the pH level of a solution. By adding a color indicator that changes color at different pH levels to the milk of magnesia, you can visually see the acidity or alkalinity of the solution. This can help demonstrate concepts related to acids and bases.

What is the chemical symbol for milk?

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Milk is a mixture of different compounds and does not have a specific chemical symbol. Its composition includes water, fats, proteins, lactose, and minerals.

What is the chemical formula of skimmed milk powder?

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Milk does not have a fixed molecular formula. In fact, milk is an emulsion of butterfat globules within a water-based fluid. Each fat globule is surrounded by a membrane consisting of phospholipids and proteins; these emulsifiers keep the individual globules from joining together into noticeable grains of butterfat and also protect the globules from the fat-digesting activity of enzymes found in the fluid portion of the milk. In unhomogenized cow's milk, the fat globules average about four micrometers across. The fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K are found within the milk fat portion of the milk .The largest structures in the fluid portion of the milk are casein protein micelles: aggregates of several thousand protein molecules, bonded with the help of nanometer-scale particles of calcium phosphate. Each micelle is roughly spherical and about a tenth of a micrometer across. There are four different types of casein proteins, and collectively they make up around 80 percent of the protein in milk, by weight. Most of the cased in proteins are bound into the micelles. There are several competing theories regarding the precise structure of the micelles, but they share one important feature: the outermost layer consists of strands of one type of protein, kappa-casein, reaching out from the body of the micelle into the surrounding fluid. These Kappa-casein molecules all have a negative electrical charge and therefore repel each other, keeping the micelles separated under normal conditions and in a stable colloidal suspension in the water-based surrounding fluid.

Sour milk formula?

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Sour milk can be used in recipes as a substitute for buttermilk. To make a sour milk substitute, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice to 1 cup of milk and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. This will curdle the milk and create a similar tangy flavor to buttermilk.

How do you get cream while churning the milk?

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Cream is obtained by allowing the milk to stand undisturbed so that the cream naturally rises to the top. This can occur through gravity or by mechanical means such as centrifugal force. Once the cream has risen, it can be skimmed off the top of the milk to be used separately.

Why does milk make you sleep?

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Milk contains tryptophan, an amino acid that can help promote relaxation and induce sleep. Additionally, the warmth and comfort associated with drinking a warm glass of milk may also contribute to its sleep-inducing effects.