

Do Newfoundland puppies sleep a lot?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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11y ago

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yes puppies sleep a lot because they need the sleep to grow as any baby does and they are not fully developed so they get tired quickly. Yes puppies will play hard then sleep approximately every 20 minutes. They like the feeling of someone beside them, holding them or even if they are on your lap. Be sure your puppy has the right puppy food, lots of water and it's about 10 - 15 minutes after they eat or drink that they will have to go outside to the bathroom. This is part of their training so they don't mess in the house. NEVER hit your puppy for peeing or pooping on the rug/floor because they are just a baby. Shake your finger at them, pick them up and put them outside (YOU STAY OUTSIDE WITH THEM) because the world outside is a big place to such a little puppy.

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11y ago

Yes. I have a newf puppy, and my friend has a shepherd mix puppy and a cavasion puppy that are around his same age. We walk our dogs together every morning. Afterwards, my newf pup will sleep most of the rest of the day as well as the night until our walk the next day, only getting up briefly in the evening. He typically sleeps around 18-20 hours a day even at four and a half months old. However, my friends puppies at the same age would nap briefly and then be ready to go again no matter how she tried to wear them out.

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Puppies sleep a lot because they play a lot and it tires them out.

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well, puppies can "do" a lot of things. like sleep, play with toys, eat, go to he bathroom. that is generaly what puppies do.

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Tickling affects older dogs more than puppies, because puppies sleep a lot. I have don't this experiment with my dogs. The older dog is more affected by tickling or other noises and feelings than the puppy is.

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== == Yes, it takes a lot out of the mother giving birth to two or more puppies and she's tired and wants to sleep.

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They can be quite hyper, you just have to make sure they get the right amount of exercise and play time. Like all puppies they do sleep a lot while young.

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puppies are a lot like babies. they sleep a lot during the day and are more active at night. it is very normal. as they grow up they take less and less naps, like humans.

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YES mine barks at birds the t.v babies people dogs trees cats me teddys pictures sounds the window the door the wii my phone horses the shower the toilet things that move her toys loud noises you name it she barks at it!

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Yes, puppies of that age will basically sleep all the time, and feed the rest of the time, but mostly they will just sleep.

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they can have more than 24. the highest litter was was is the world records

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that what guns are for