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Yes. A rabbit's natural way of cleaning itself is by licking itself including paws.

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Q: Do rabbits wash their paws by licking them selfs?
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Does sidewalk salt bother dogs?

Yes. It is a good idea to wash or wipe their paws thoroughly after bringing them in from a walk. Also, pets can sometimes ingest the salt by licking their paws or licking the ground directly, so watch for that, as well. There's a good article on the subject in the related links below.

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rabbits lick themselves to wash

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you wash your hands

Can you wash rabbits feet?

i wouldn't recommend it

Is it ok to wash your rabbit in dawn?

I would'nt. Dawn and other cleaners can irratate your animals skin, its best to use dog shampoo and conditioner that are specially made for pets.

When your cat snuggles and paws at your head your hair gets wet what is this liquid and where does it come from?

There is nothing to worry about. Cats like to dip their paws in their water dish to wash their paws and etc. In your situation your cat must of dipped his/her paws in their water and touched your head when his/hers paws were still wet.

What do you wash rabbits with?

There is a product at Petco, its called Bunny Bath use that to wash your rabbit. You could also use it on Guinea Pigs!

Can Muslims keep rabbits?

Ofcourse they can but,the pee from rabbits and all animals is not good they must wash a 15 sec not taking a bath and its name is "tawadee"

Should you bath giant flemish rabbits?

Getting rabbits wet is probably not good for their health. Wash their feet if they get urine stains on them or so forth but they can chill easily, I highly do not recommend bathing rabbits!!!

Do rabbits like to lie in water?

No it will kill it. To wash it, wipe it with a wet cloth or baby wipe.

Do you have to wash a dwarf rabbit?

No! Never wash a rabbits, they are too fragile and it makes them too nervous. If they are dirty just spot clean with a wet paper towel.