

Do rainbows make Skittles

Updated: 11/22/2022
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13y ago

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Lol no candy and sugar by-products make skittles

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Q: Do rainbows make Skittles
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Skittles, taste the rainbow.

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No -_- and there is also unicorns there! They fly over rainbows! and they eat skittles!

Do Skittles taste like rainbows or do rainbows taste like Skittles?

Skittles themselves are tasteless, rainbows are added to skittles as a flavoring agent so when you taste a skittle you actually taste the rainbow. During the manufacturing process the rainbow stripes are separated and a piece of a single stripe is added to each skittle (that's why they are of one solid color), so to get the full rainbow taste you need to eat one skittle of each color at the same time.

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Rainbows Rainbows fascinate Rainbows Rainbows..!

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Iris had the ability to make rainbows from her mother, Electra, who was a cloud goddess.

Do rainbows bend light?

No. Water droplets bend light to make rainbows.

How do you fart rainbows in real life?

eat some skittles and chant to virgin Mary to give you the powers to make you fart rainbows and next say unicorns make me fart rainbows and it smells like cinnamon and make me fart fairy dust and pixie dust, next if this don't work tell a mermaid or witch or wish or wish upon a star on a full moon and it works, it worked for my daughters and me. PS. It only works on girls and not boys so holding it in is another potion for girls, but another option is to drink Koolaid for months and look at rainbows and tell the horse gods to turn you into a unicorn it works no joking.

How much money does skittles make in a year?

how much skittles is perduce every year

Does Skittles make root beer explode?

No, mentos (mint not flavored mentos)make root beer "explode" not skittles.

Do Skittles explode in you stomach?

no they havent got the right acids to do that

Can you beat a unicorn with a wand until it pukes up rainbows and poops skittles?

Only if a mermaid jumps out of the water and does a triple back flip while holding an alien juggling

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they are unicorns, cake, rainbows, skittles, and Abraham Lincoln dancing to gangnam style.... geeze i thought everyone knew that, merica!