

Do real people give answers

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Of course they do. Im real.

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12y ago
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Q: Do real people give answers
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Are real people giving you answers?

No. this page sucks so much that no real people give answers. Maybe aliens.

Are you a real person saying this?

The answers given on answers are from the general population that give what answers they know. Each category is supervised by experienced people.

Are all of your answers real?

People like you and me give these answers, so your really depending on that person. I have to believe most people try to give the best answer possible. If the answer sounds good to you, then go with it.

Does give you real answers?

It depends on who answers the questions, because most people can be trusted to post correct information, but others may post answers that are not true.

Why does WikiAnswers not have real true answers to questions?

You must remember that WikiAnswers depends on people like you and us to give the answers so they might not always be right.

Is there a machine that answers questions on WikiAnswers?

No, The answers are people like you that want to spend their time to help give as correct as possible answers. So that means that you can answer questions also. Actually, there are some bots answering, but the majority of the answers come from real people.

Why does no one recommend you?

you have to give real answers alot

Does this give you the real answers?

Wikianswer are used and improved by the public so most of the answers are correct.

Websites which give you the real answers to translations?

I recommend imtranslation.

How are mixed numbers used in the real world?

Give me answers

Is this just people saying answers?

Some people do. But most people give thoughtful answers.

Does WikiAnswers actually have real answers no?

Yes, it does. All of my answers are true. Other people sometimes make things up. But, if you think there are no real answers on Wiki answers, then why are you asking a question. You may not get real answers. -Eugenie