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Yes she does.

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Q: Do red tailed hawks regurgitate food to feed young?
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Does a bird feed its young milk?

No, they regurgitate partially digested worms and other insects for their young.

Do all birds regurgitate to feed their young?

Animals that regurgitate their food are cows, birds and wolves. Other animals that regurgitate their food are the anaconda and the jackal.

How do Hawk feed their young?

Hawks feed their young in the same way that other birds feed their young. They digest the food and spit it into their young's mouth.

How long do great tailed grackles feed their young?

the feed them 4 weeeks

Do red tailed hawks eat plants and meat?

No they only eat meat. Red-tailed hawks are birds of prey which means that they hunt and eat fish, small animals, etc.

What is the red tailed hawk's diet?

Red-tailed hawks typically feed on rodents and smaller mammals such as mice, squirrels, voles, moles, rabbits, bats, etc. They also feed on birds, snakes, lizards, insects and crustaceans if they are available.

What is the red-tailed hawk's diet?

Red-tailed hawks typically feed on rodents and smaller mammals such as mice, squirrels, voles, moles, rabbits, bats, etc. They also feed on birds, snakes, lizards, insects and crustaceans if they are available.

What does the Red tailed hawk female feed to her babies?

Meat. They tear prey apart and feed it to the young birds.

Do ducks regurgitate to feed their ducklings?

no they do not

Do ducks regurgitate to feed ducklings?

no they do not

What is a sentence that has regurgitate in it?

Blue footed booby parents regurgitate fish to feed their chicks.

Do eagles nurse their chicks?

Birds typically regurgitate to feed their chicks. No birds have mammary glands and thus cannot nurse their young.