

Do reptiles have strong limbs

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Reptiles has many many limbs. Example: Snakes- they have hundreds of limb so that is why they are so flixible.

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Q: Do reptiles have strong limbs
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Do reptiles have limbs?

Most do but some do not. For example the crocodile has limbs but the snake does not.

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Where do reptiles with limbs live?

on land and sometimes in the water

What is a limbless reptile?

snakes are reptiles and they don't have limbs

Do mammals and reptiles have anything in common?

Yes both mammals and reptiles are tetrapods and have 4 limbs . Both possess amnion which is extraembryonic membrane .

Does a reptile have limbs?

Reptiles that have limbs use them when them want to walk, climb, swim, or grasp.

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Is an alligator a strong felines?

No. Alligators are reptiles, not felines.

What is a tetrapod?

A tetrapod is a vertebrate animal with four limbs. "Tetra" means "four" and "pod" means "foot". Amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals are all tetrapods; even snakes and other limbless reptiles and amphibians are tetrapods because they descended from animals which had four limbs. Whales and other cetaceans are also tetrapods because they are mammals have two front limbs and the two hind limbs are vestiges.

What are the limbs of horses adapted for?

The limbs of horses are strong and muscular. That would suggest that they are adapted for walking and running over long distances.

Why can reptiles carry more body mass than amphibians?

because their limbs and bones are stronger than those of amphibians

Any of various aquatic and land reptiles having a bony shell and flipper-like limbs fro swimming?
