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Robins normally nest only once a year in most of their range.But in the southern parts of their range,two broods may be raised.The robin may nest again in northern sections of the country if the first nest is destroyed or the eggs taken by predators.

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Q: Do robins lay more than one clutch of eggs per season?
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Do robins lay eggs more than once a year?

Yes, it is not unusual for robins to have two clutches a season.

How many babies do mother robins have?

Robins usually have lay 4 eggs and then stop. They rarely have more and it is said that if one sees more than 4 eggs that another robin probably laid them in the "borrowed" nest. I have at this moment, though, a nest with 6 ! baby robins in it. All 6 look as if they are ready to fly.

How many chicks does an emu have each year?

Emus have a single clutch of chicks each year. A clutch of emu eggs averages around 10-12 eggs, but these are not necessarily from the same female. The male, who incubates the eggs, may court more than one female for the nest he builds.

How many babies does a tortoise have at a time?

.The female hawksbill turtle lays an average of 4 clutches of eggs each breeding season. Each clutch of eggs contains an average of 150 eggs. The female green turtle lays an average of 4 clutches of eggs each breeding season. Each clutch of eggs contains an average of 110 eggs. The female leatherback turtle lays an average of 7 clutches of eggs each breeding season. Each clutch of eggs contains an average of 85 eggs. These turtles do not breed every year, rather every 2-4 years I really didnt know what specific turtle u were talking about so i just put these 3

Can a mother robin relocate her baby birds?

No. They are not equipped to carry their eggs.

Which birds lay blue eggs?

Vast numbers of birds lay blue eggs - they are common amongst thrushes, starlings, crows, babblers, accentors, ducks, herons, egrets, robins, and more.

How does laying a few eggs help birds in survival?

The more eggs laid in a clutch, the more, hopefully, chicks will survive to reach breeding adulthood.

What bird lays small turquoise eggs?

The robin. See the related link for more information.

How do eagles have babies?

Courtship and mating take place in flight. Once the hen is fertilized she lays a clutch of eggs (two or more) and incubates the eggs.

Do birds lay eggs more than once a year?

Yes, a duck can lay eggs more than one a year. I have ducks and chickens that lay eggs daily. (I know that some birds, if their eggs are damaged or ruined in the early stages of nesting, will lay more eggs, most often in a different nest location. Robins and pigeons do it all the time...well, each spring, anyhow). most birds can do it from 1-4 times per year. In the wild, birds lay eggs twice a yr.(House Wrens will build as many nests as they can before the season changes.)

Your budgie laid one egg can it have more?

Budgies typically lay between two and four eggs in a clutch at a time.

How many babies can crocadiles have?

The normal clutch of eggs is 35 to 60. about thirty babies Depends on the species, larger ones lay more eggs. One gator nest in Florida contained 66 eggs.