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Q: Do rocks with higher melting points crystallize first?
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What was the first object to have a melting point?

objects just dont come up with melting points. to the smallest piece of iron to the largest the melting point is always going to be the same no matter what

What is the first minerals to form when magma cools that are rich in iron calcium and magnesium?

Olivine is the first mineral to crystallize as the mineral first to crystallize is the last to melt.

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How is partial melting related to fractional crystallization?

Partial melting occurs in rocks because the different minerals that compose rocks have different melting points. For example, felsic minerals (e.g. quartz and feldspar) melt at around 700 degrees Celsius while mafic minerals (e.g. pyroxene and olivine) melt at around 1200 degrees Celsius. Therefore, felsic minerals will melt first leaving the mafic minerals solid.Fractional crystallization occurs when minerals from a magma cool and crystallize out of the magma. The first crystals to melt in partial melting will be the first minerals to crystallize out when the magma begins to cool. Therefore, mafic minerals will crystallize first, followed by felsic minerals.Both partial melting and fractional crystallisation tend to produce a more felsic magma than their source rocks.The difference is simply that they are the reverse of one another, heat it up, cool it down. Things that melt first solidify last and separate from one another.

How does iron - magnesium and feldspars crystallize from magma?

Feldspars are the first to crystallize at the eutectic point after which the temperature drops, thus crystallizing the iron - magnesium.

Which ferromagnesian minerals and which of the feldspar's would be the first minerals to crystallize?

olivine and anorthite

What would be one of the first minerals to crystallize from liquid rock in a mafic igneous sill?


Is there a way to get a higher match bonus in mw2?

first you need to win. get match bonuses by: kills game points eg. team deatchmatch you get points for the kills challenges

How you can determine the melting point of a compound using capillary tubes and a digital melting point apparatus that need to be calibrated each time of use?

Melting points are ranges usually. It starts when the first crystal of the substance being tested melts and ends when the last crystal melts. Therefore the smallest sample possible and the slowest rate of heating will give the most accurate melting point.

Where are the freezing points and melting points of substances?

They are the same thing. Most commonly the term melting point is used to describe the temperature at which a substance first co-exists in both a liquid and solid state. Freezing point is used usually to describe a substance that is usually liquid at room temperature, such as water. Conversely the term 'boiling point' refers to the first temperature at which the substance exists in both liquid and gaseous states.