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I believe that satellite dishes do provide better reception than cable service. I believe this because satellite dishes are bigger and getting their signals from huge satellites in space. They have less interference factors that affect them than cable service does and they are less likely to go off air as often happens with cable service. Satellite dishes also offer all HD channels where as with cable you have to pay an extra fee for HD many times. I think that satellite dishes receive stronger signals and are better equipped to interpret those signals than cable service is. I also believe that the satellite signals are jumbled less often than cable tv and because of this you get a clearer picture and more channels.

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Q: Do satellite dishes provide better reception than cable service?
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Is reception from live satellites clearer than cable tv reception?

Generally satellite reception is better than cable even when the two are both sent digitally. A satellite signal transfer is more direct and therefore has less chance of interference. The cable signal travels through many feet of wire and connection points. These provide a greater chance of interference. The only time the opposite is true is during bad weather when the satellite signal can degrade.

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There may not be that much of a difference, depending on the TV on which you are viewing the satellite or cable. Based on where you live, reception of either the cable or the satellite might be better, but that's a reception issue, not a picture quality problem.

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Direct TV offers great reception in most parts of the country

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You can get better reception with a satellite television system. You may also deal with a lot of interference in an urban environment.

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Verizon has a greater reception rate then sprint. considering the service provider is what affects the reception received by a cellular device, no the sprint 8300 doesn't not have better reception then the Verizon envy 2.

Which is better, cable television or satellite?

This is always a personal choice, but for the money and reliability cable is still consider the better choice over satellite. This is because any storm can cause interruption in reception for a satellite dish, however, cable being hard wired keeps going strong.

Is Satellite Broadband better?

I believe that Satellite Broadband is better then Cable service. The benefits of having a Cable Broadband is that it runs a lot longer then the other services.

What are the differences between satellite and cable TV?

I like satellite better. We have found better prices through satellite and have found that they have better customer service. You have to look at individual packages though and choose the one that has the best prices for the channels you want.

what is the difference between DirecTV and cable TV?

DIRECTV is a satellite company and cable TV is not. DIRECTV has more channels and clear reception. Also, DIRECTV is a good company and satellite is much better than cable TV.

Do satellite cell phones have service no matter where I am?

Satellite cell phones have much better reception quality than the standard cell phone. People who are usually in emergency situation ( fire fighters, army, etc) use these types of phones. A satellite phone would be a good thing to purchase if you are going on a fishing trip in a remote location although they are much more expensive than a standard cell phone.

Does anything disturb the Universal Satellite Radio Antenna?

In general it's better not to have thick trees between the antenna and the satellites,but if you install it correctly it should give you good home reception.

How much does satellite internet cost on average compared to DSL and cable internet?

Satellite internet is generally more expensive than either Cable or DSL and is much slower. If you live in an area with good cell reception, a cellular modem might be a better compromise.