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Yes, scientist design maps to list events over time. This is done by light cones. Even three dimensional space model is difficult to understand then how do they represent four dimensional space? This is done by taking light distance on one axis and time on the other while the rest were just assumed. As time increases,light increases as a cone called light cone. The entire universe or events with reference to that light cone are divided as those in that light cone and those that come under light cone or effected by light cone and those that are not effected by the light cone. this is very hard to understand but easy once you find its root. Let us take an example of sun dying out. This event can viewed as a point and then the light rays of the dying sun would spread as a cone. Those events that happened before this event cannot be effected by this event. Those events that are not effected eventhough they are in the future are outside the light cone and those that are effected by the sun dying out like the earth comes under light cone. It can viewed like this- eventhough earth is effected, it will not get immediate effect until it enters the light cone i.e., it will take 8 min for the sun's rays to reach earth. During this period the earth would be outside the lightcone and will not be effected by that event but once it enters the lightcone i.e., while we see the event we would sure get effected by that event. Thus scientist map events as infinite light cones and some cones may intersect affecting each other. But what ever it may be it certainly divides the events in the past and present and future events that are affected by that event.

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