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yes they do ! not only are they not able to hear when the hunt but also smell. i hope this helped please reply thanks

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Q: Do sea otter's ears close under water?
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How do a hippopotamus nose and ears help it live under water?

To go under water they close their ears and nostrils. An adult hippo can stay under water for up to 6 minutes!

What is sea otters?

Sea otters have several adaptations designed for life in the water. They have watertight fur for insulation, they have webbed feet for swimming, as well as nostrils and ears that can close to keep water out. They also have a short, thick, and slightly flat tail. Besides aquatic adaptations, sea otters are very intelligent and one of the select group of animals known to use tools (sea otters usually have a favorite rock that they use to crack seashells).

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Is there a cure for the urge to urinate at the sound of running water?

Umm, yeah. Close your ears! Umm, yeah. Close your ears!

How the nose and ears of the hippopotamus help it live in the water?

Their ears and nostrils are able to close to prevent water from getting in them.

Why can fish detect sound under water?

They have (inner) ears.

Do otters have ears?

No, that animal known as an otter cannot fly. There is, however, an aeroplane which is called an Otter which is seen flying in many locations around the world. Shipments of otters (the mammal) can take place using aeroplanes (including the "Otter") so otters (the mammal) can fly as cargo.

How does water get in your ear when you swim?

Water gets stuck in your ears when you stay under water too long.

How are beavers built for under water work?

there ears and there mouth get seeled so thet they can be under water for about 15-20 minuts

What are facts about a beaver?

they can close their nose and ears to prevent water from ging in for up to 15 minutes

Does a sea otter have horns?

Yes, sea otters have horns. Sea otters are in the same family as cattle and grow horns. However, sea otters grow only very small horn, sometimes mistaken as "ears."

Why do your ears hurt when you go at least 8 ft under water?

Because the water is forcing bubbles from you and it is sucking all the air out of your ears which causes the pressure to hurt.