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Speed up

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Q: Do seismic waves speed up or slow down as they travel downward and reach the Moho?
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Does sound travel further upward or downward?

IT travels the same speed as far as i Know

What affects the speed of seismic waves?

The speed of seismic waves are affected by the type of material that the waves are traveling through. in other words (as an example): some type of waves can travel through rocks but not through liquids.

What happens to seismic waves in the air?

In air, the seismic waves(P-wave) are simply sound waves, and travel with the speed of sound (approx. 335 m/s).

How To Travel At The Speed Of Light?

You can't travel at the speed of light. It might be possible, in theory, to approach it, but not quite to reach it.

What does the time-distance graph of seismic waves show?

The time-distance graph of seismic waves shows the relationship between the time it takes for seismic waves to travel and the distance they travel. It helps in determining the speed at which seismic waves propagate through the Earth's interior and provides information about the structure and composition of the Earth's layers.

When a airplane is traveling forward at 120 miles per hour and a bowling ball is dropped from the plane which way would the ball travel?

It would move slightly backwards due to no air resistance------------------------------------------------------- The above answer is rubbish. It would continue travelling forward. Whilst travelling forward it would also travel down. It would continue to travel forward until it slowed down to a zero forward speed ( DUE to air resistance ) but a terminal downward speed. Whether or not it would reach a zero forward speed and terminal downward speed would depend on how high it was when it was dropped.

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The speed at which seismic waves travel through Earth's layers depends upon the of those layers. temperature density shape area?

The speed of the waves depends on the density of the material.

Why do seismic waves change speed?

"True, the Seismic Waves change speed and direction when they encounter different materials."

Will a seismic wave travelling through a solid go faster or slower than a seismic wave travelling through liquid?

The velocity of seismic waves is controlled by the density and elastic properties of the material through which they travel. Solids tend to have larger elastic modulii than fluids. As the speed of a seismic wave increases as the elastic modulii increase, this means that they tend to travel faster through solids.

The waves of energy that an earthquake produces?

Earthquakes produce "seismic" waves. These can be split into two main types: Body Waves and Surface Waves. Body waves consist of P-waves (compression or longitudinal waves) and S-waves (shear or transverse waves). P-waves can go through solid, liquid, and gas forms but S waves can only travel through solids. The P waves reach seismic stations quicker than S waves as they travel at a greater speed. Surface waves travel more slowly than Body waves and there are two main types: The Rayleigh and Love wave.

Will a seismic wave traveling through a solid go faster or slower than a seismic wave traveling through liquid?

Seismic waves travels faster through solid rock than water because their speed depends on the density and composition of material that they pass through.Solid rock is denser than water, hence the energy from seismic waves transfer faster through solid rock than in water.