

Do serfs own there own houses in the middle ages?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Yes. They do. They were often small cottages or long houses

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Q: Do serfs own there own houses in the middle ages?
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Who owned houses in the middle ages?

Members of the nobility owned the houses on their manors. The landed gentry was sometimes regarded as of the nobility, and sometimes not, but they owned land and the houses on it. There were a lot of small land holders who owned their own land, they are referred to as yeomen. In towns and cities, a lot of the housing was owned by landlords, who are probably best described as middle class. The Church owned a lot of land and the houses on it. Serfs and tenants, of course, did not own their houses.

Who were the surfs in the middle ages?

The "serfs" in the middle ages where people who were poor. They were basically born into slavery similar to some black slaves. They were allowed to own their own land sometimes. They had to stay on their masters land and payed to use their material.

What were serfs in the Middle Ages?

a serf is a person who must stay to the land and owned by the feudal landlord and is a part that keeps the feudalism system balanced because they do most of the work. A serf had to pay to the lord money when he's almost dead, a dead person makes the family of serfs pay even more. He also had to fight for his/her lord... >(

What was it like to be poor In the middle ages?

The lowest group in most medieval societies were the serfs, who were bound to the manors on which they lived, did not own land, and were peasant farmers. Serfdom disappeared in many places in the Middle Ages, partly because the serfs wanted to run their own lives, and partly because the lords of manors did not want the responsibility of taking care of the serfs on their land. In some places there were slaves, who were lower than serfs. Slavery gradually disappeared during the Middle Ages in most places. In England, it became illegal at the beginning of the 12th century. People who had left their manors and managed to become free were often made destitute because of unavailability of jobs, famine, war, and so on. These people were probably the poorest of all because no one cared for them except out of charity.

Why did you have to rent a house in the Middle Ages?

A person in the Middle Ages who had to rent a house did so for pretty much the same reasons people rent houses today, because they cannot afford to buy. But most people did not rent houses. Serfs, who worked the land on manorial estates, worked in exchange for the place where they lived. They did not usually pay rent. Certain types of peasants who were not serfs rented the places where they lived and worked, instead of working. These people were called freemen. If a farmer had the ability to buy land, he could do so. A land owning farmer was a yeoman. Most people who lived in town rented. People of the laboring classes, however, usually rented rooms or small apartments rather than houses. Merchants, who could afford better housing, rented or owned their own homes.

Medieval word for a common citizen?

The commoners in the middle ages are the people who make their own clothing and grow vegetables. They also made their own houses and structures. There is no complete answer to give you, but thats all that i got.

What was China like in the middle ages?

The government form in China in the middle ages was Dynasties. They were NOT successful.

How much did serfs pay for horse feed in the middle ages?

I feel there are two questions here:Serfs could never ever afford a horse in the middle ages.The cost of feed: The cost of feed was immaterial as to own a horse you had to be rich enough that others were paying you tax and how they paid was farm products mostly.

How did people bath in the middle ages?

In the beginning of the Middle Ages, the Roman baths were still in use. As they fell into disrepair they were replaced with less elaborate bath houses. The custom of bathing in public bath houses was continued for the rest of the Middle Ages. In towns and villages that had bath houses, as most towns did, nearly all people bathed there. The bath houses had bath tubs made of wood, and these were lined up, close to each other. The wealthiest lords may have had their own private baths, but they were clearly not common. In the smaller villages and hamlets, where there were no public bath houses, people bathed in lakes, ponds, rivers and streams. In much of Europe, the people of the Middle Ages were very religious, and believed that cleanliness was next to godliness, so bathing was considered virtuous, and failing to bath was evidence of a vicious character.

Where did serfs live in the Middle Ages?

Most serfs lived on manors. These were farming estates that belonged to lords, and whose residents were mostly serfs. The serfs typically lived in a village or hamlet on the manor, in cottages. Some serfs were not agricultural and worked as laborers. They typically lived in cottages in villages or boarding houses in towns.

Did serfs own their own home?


Did serfs own their own homes?
