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it depends on the time of year, location, type of animal feed used and moisture levels. Yes shrooms can grow on it, but they can also grow in other locations.

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Q: Do shrooms grow on poop
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Are there shrooms in Michigan?

you gotta be joking right?? halucinogenic mushrooms grow on cow poop..... often tresspassers on private farms go out at night to harvest the shrooms.... so if Michigan is anything like the rest of the states, and you have abundant farm land, then yes you do have shrooms in Michigan.

Do shrooms grow on horse poop in Michigan?

yes and no, depending on what kind of feed the horse had will determine or not whether mushrooms can grow on it, it takes a long time, sometimes years.... good luck but honestly there is too much acidic properties in horse dung i doubt youll find any

Can you grow shrooms at home?

Yes, but doing so would be illegal and could lead to severe legal consequences. Thus, growing shrooms at home is strongly discouraged.

When do shrooms grow in Tennessee?

It depends on the climate you're living in. Any woodland or moderate pasture with cows should be able to grow them.

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Plant sunflowers or the golden colored mushrooms. The 'shrooms grow and give suns at night, when the sunflowers do not grow.

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What are advantages of poop?

they can help your garden plants grow

Do shrooms show on a nine panel drug test?

No, but shrooms can be tested for in an extended drug test.

Why do mushrooms grow in cow patties?

They don't. This is a myth shared by many drug-addicts that like to collect "shrooms" for their hallucinogenic effect.

Can shrooms made from dog poop get you high?

No dog mushrooms aren't physicadelic and dont have the same spores in it as a cow would have if he grew mushrooms I don't recommend trying it could make you sick

Are shrooms natral?

Unlike LSD shrooms are grown in the wild and natural

Street name for shrooms?

Magic Mushrooms, Shrooms, Liberty Caps, Mushies, etc...