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Yes, skunks may make holes in lawns. Small divots are made when a skunk digs for grubs. This is actually beneficial to the lawn as grubs eat the roots of grass, which will kill the lawn. If you see a large hole with tunnels in your lawn, a skunk has probably dug out the nest of ground-nesting bees, which they also like to eat. Skunks are omnivores, and will eat pretty much anything. When they live around humans, they frequent bird feeders, pet food that is left out, and garbage. They are fastidious eaters, and if they do get into your garbage, they do so with almost surgical precision. thats not true ha aha aha ahabahahahahahaha

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Q: Do skunks make holes in lawns What do skunks eat?
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Do deer eat skunks?

Deer are herbivores, meaning they only eat plants. Skunks are animals, not plants. So deer do not eat skunks.

Are skunks herbivores?

Skunks are omnivorous, eating both plant and animal material and changing their diet as the seasons change. They eat insects and larvae, earthworms, small rodents, lizards, salamanders, frogs, snakes, birds, moles, and eggs. They also commonly eat berries, roots, leaves, grasses, fungi, and nuts. In settled areas, skunks also seek human garbage. Less often, skunks may be found acting as scavengers, eating bird and rodent carcasses left by cats or other animals. Pet owners, particularly those of cats, may experience a skunk finding its way into a garage or basement where pet food is kept. Skunks commonly dig holes in lawns in search of grubs and worms.

Do skunks eat insects?

Yes. Skunks are omnivors, they will eat plant or animal matter.

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skunks eat any thing very meat eaters

Who eat skunks?

Well, if we were cannibals then we humans would probably eat skunks if there was nothing else to eat. Maybe if you put skunks out in the wild, then a bear MIGHT eat it. I don't know! I hope this helps you!

Do foxes eat skunks?

NO, because the smell is very bad and is not a delitcy to them

Do skunks eat wheat?

Yes, skunks will eat many things, including corn.

What does striped skunks eat?

Some striped skunks eat rattlesnakes and plants so they are considered omnivores

Can spotted skunks kill and eat a rattlesnake?

Yes, skunks can and do eat rattlesnakes, especially young snakes.

What do skunks do with dirt?

they eat it

What can skunks not eat?

skunks can not eat humans, and apples, and unicorns aka big animals

Do skunks eat wild mushrooms?

No, skunks do not eat fish. They mostly eat small insects and some roots and berries.