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Q: Do smarties have more sugar then nowlaters and jollyranchers?
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What is the difference between sweetarts and smarties?

Sweetarts are more tangy and sour. Smarties are less sweeter and not as tangy. Lol.

What is more popular smarties or m and m?

The smartie came first. Smarties = 1882 M&M's = 1941 :)

Why do Smarties react when they are put in soda?

Soda makes smarties dissolve because the acid molecules gets to the sugar in the smarties, therefore, that much interaction and energy soon die down in the smarties and fade away (dissolve). It disolves because it is suger? I really do not know why! smaties are a soft compound and carbon in soda breaks the cels apart like acid. facts: soda makes the botom of your toungue sting but only for sec.

How many smarties are sold each month?


Is there more sugar in water or sugar?

There is more sugar in sugar.

Which has more sugar in it coffee or ice-tea?

There is no real answer to this question since it can go either way. It all depends on which you put more sugar in. ExampleIf you put more sugar in coffee it will have more sugar. If you put more sugar in Ice-tea then that will have more sugar.

What are the elements in Sprite?

sugar sugar and more sugar

What weighs more a salt or sugar?

as sugar because if you measure it in grams sugar weighs more

How do you dissolve more sugar cube in a glass of saturated sugar solution?

By heating the saturated sugar solution, and then adding more sugar.

What does mixturing mean?

A mixture is a group of substances that are not chemicaly joined together. So can be easly seperated. for example if you mixed together a packed of smarties and M$N'S it you are not creating a new chocolate just mixing M$N'S with smarties. A mixture is composed of two or more substances that are not chemically combined.

Does brandy or whiskey have more sugar in it?

brandy has more sugar then whiskey.

What is the carbohydrate formed from sugar?

It can be a Monosaccahride (1 sugar ring), Disaccahride (2 sugar rings), or Polysaccaride (3 or more sugar rings). It could be more specific but I would need to know more about the sugar.