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Snakes do not get syphilis. Syphilis is a disease that affect humans.

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I dont think so

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Q: What symptoms do snakes have when it have a Syphilis?
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What are the symptoms of syphilis?

The symptoms of syphilis are fever, sore throat, feeling of weakness, discomfort throughout the body, loss of weight, headaches, stiffness and many more.

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How do you know you have Syphilis?

If you even slightly suspect that you have this disease, go to a doctor, clinic, or or public service organization to be checked. Syphilis is curable, especially in the early stages, using antibiotics. But if it is not treated, it can kill you. You will need to have a blood test to know for sure.The signs and symptoms of syphilis vary depending in which of the four stages it presents (primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary). The primary stage classically presents with a single chancre (a firm, painless, non-itchy skin ulceration), secondary syphilis with a diffuse rash which frequently involves the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, latent syphilis with little to no symptoms, and tertiary syphilis with gummas, neurological, or cardiac symptoms. It has, however, been known as "the great imitator" due to its frequent atypical presentations. Diagnosis is usually via blood tests; however, the bacteria can also be detected using dark field microscopy.

What had often been called the great imitator because so many of the signs and symptoms are indistinguishable from those of other diseases?


Did syphilis have a known cure?

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the spirochete bacterium Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum. The primary route of transmission is through sexual contact; it may also be transmitted from mother to fetus during pregnancy or at birth, resulting in congenital syphilis. The signs and symptoms of syphilis vary depending in which of the four stages it presents (primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary). The primary stage classically presents with a single chancre (a firm, painless, non-itchy skin ulceration), secondary syphilis with a diffuse rash which frequently involves the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, latent syphilis with little to no symptoms, and tertiary syphilis with gummas, neurological, or cardiac symptoms. It has, however, been known as "the great imitator" due to its frequent atypical presentations. Diagnosis is usually via blood tests; however, the bacteria can also be visualized under a microscope. Syphilis can be effectively treated with antibiotics, specifically the preferred intramuscular penicillin G (given intravenously for neurosyphilis), or else ceftriaxone, and in those who have a severe pencillin allergy, oral doxycycline or azithromycin.(Information taken from wikipedia)

Why should a person who has symptoms of syphilis seek medical attention?

Because it's an STD....It's like saying "Hey I want cancer forever!" Syphilis, if untreated, can actually have some rather serious consequences. It can impact the heart/cardiovascular system and even progress to neurosyphilis (tertiary syphilis). Also, syphilis is a highly transmittable STD, so anyone with syphilis should get it treated right away so that they're healthy and don't spread it to other people.

How does AIDS make you sick?

If left untreated, syphilis can evolve into neurosyphilis. Basically what that means is that the Syphilis bacteria spreads to the Central Nervous System. When syphilis spreads to the nervous system, it causes a slew of neurological symptoms, such as dementia, incontinence, blindness, and seizures. Here's the thing though, neurosyphilis is commonly asymptomatic, which means, the patient shows no symptoms. That might sound like a good thing, being symptomless, but it's really not. If there's a symptom, there's something to treat. The people with asymptomatic neurosyphilis are still experiencing the neurological deterioration that causes death, they just don't know it.

What is sifaless?

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease. Symptoms are sores, rash, muscle aches, and fatigue. Some people have no symptoms at all. If treated early enough, no permanent damage will be done, but if left untreated it can eventually lead to death.

Does penicillin relieve the symptoms of infectious disease?

Penicillin is effective for some infectious diseases, like strep throat and syphilis. It does not cure most infectious diseases.


DefinitionSyphilis is infection with the bacteria Treponema pallidum.Alternative NamesLues; Cupid's disease; SyphCauses, incidence, and risk factorsSyphilis is a sexually-transmitted infectious disease. The bacteria that cause it spread through broken skin or mucous membranes.Pregnant mothers infected with the disease can pass it to the baby developing in their womb. This is called congenital syphilis.Syphilis is widespread in the United States. It mainly affects sexually active adults ages 20 to 29.Syphilis has several stages.Primary syphilis is the first stage. Painless sores ( chancres) form at the site of infection about 2-3 weeks after you are first infected. You may not notice the sores or any symptoms, particularly if the sores are inside the rectum or cervix. The sores disappear in about 4-6 weeks, even without treatment. The bacteria become dormant (inactive) in your system at this stage. For more specific information about this type of syphilis, see primary syphilis.Secondary syphilis occurs about 2-8 weeks after the first sores form. About 33% of those who do not have their primary syphilis treated will develop this second stage. These symptoms will often also go away without treatment and again, the bacteria become dormant (inactive) in your system. For more specific information about this type of syphilis, see secondary syphilis.Tertiary syphilis is the final stage of syphilis. The infection spreads to the brain, nervous system, heart, skin, and bones. The dormant bacteria may be detectable either by seeing the damage they cause to a part of the body, or through a blood test for syphilis. For more specific information about this type of syphilis, see tertiary syphilis.SymptomsThe symptoms of syphilis depend on the stage of the disease. Many people do not have symptoms.In general, painless sores and swollen lymph nodes are possible symptoms of primary syphilis. Those with secondary syphilis may also have fever, fatigue, rash, aches and pains, and loss of appetite, among other symptoms. Tertiary syphilis causes heart, brain, and nervous system problems.For more information, see the article on the specific stage of syphilis.Signs and testsBlood tests can be done to detect substances produced by the bacteria that cause syphilis. The older test is the VDRL test. Other blood tests may include RPR and FTA-ABS.TreatmentAntibiotics are an effective treatment for syphilis. The antibiotic of choice is penicillin. The dose and how it's given (into a muscle or into a vein) depend on the stage of syphilis. Doxycycline may be used as an alternative treatment in individuals who are allergic to penicillin.Several hours after treatment of early stages of syphilis, you may have a reaction called Jarish-Herxheimer reaction. Symptoms of this reaction include:ChillsFeverGeneral feeling of being illGeneral joint achesGeneral muscle achesHeadacheNauseaRashThese symptoms usually disappear within 24 hours.You must have follow-up blood tests at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months to make sure the infection is gone. You should avoid sexual conduct until two follow-up tests show that the infection has been cured. Syphilis is extremely contagious through sexual contact in the primary and secondary stages.Syphilis is a reportable infection. That means that doctors must report any cases of syphilis to public health authorities, so that potentially infected sexual partners may be identified and treated.Expectations (prognosis)With prompt treatment and follow-up care, syphilis can be cured.Late-stage syphilis can lead to long-term health problems, despite therapy.ComplicationsComplications of untreated syphilis include:Damage to the skin and bonesHeart and blood vessel problems, including inflammation and aneurysms of the aortaNeurosyphilisCalling your health care providerNotify your health care provider if you develop signs or symptoms of syphilis. Several conditions may have similar symptoms, so you will need to have a complete medical exam.Also call your health care provider if you have had sexual contact with someone who has syphilis.PreventionIf you are sexually active, practice safe sex and always use condoms.All pregnant women, people with HIV, and others at increased risk for having syphilis should be screened for syphilis.ReferencesHook EW III. Syphilis. In: Goldman L, Ausiello D, eds. Cecil Medicine. 23rd ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier. 2007: chap 340.U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Screening for Syphilis Infection: Recommendation Statement. Ann Fam Med 2004; 2: 362-365.

What is tabes dorsalis?

Tabes dorsalis is a late manifestation of untreated syphilis and is characterized by a triad of clinical symptoms namely gait unsteadiness, lightning pains and urinary incontinence.

Can you die of syphilis's?

You can die of untreated syphilis. Syphilis is easily treated, so it's not necessary to let it kill you.