

Do snakes sleep

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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I think snakes sleep but I'm not for sure

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12y ago

Yes snakes do sleep.

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Q: Do snakes sleep
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Do all snakes sleep?

yes most of them sleep at night

Do grass snakes sleep in trees?

No they do not sleep in trees in fact they hardly sleep at all.....

What does snakes do in winter?

Hibernate and sleep

Which animals are known not to sleep?

Snakes and sharks.

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How many hours do snakes sleep?

they need about 6 hours of sleep

Do snakes sleep with its eyes open or closed?

Snakes do not have eyelids, so their eyes are always open.

Do snakes need dark place to sleep?


Do snakes sleep for long in winters?

Yes.They hibernate.

How does sea snakes sleep?

Snakes sleep outside when they live in the wild. They will either find holes in the ground to live in, or hide out under rocks or logs.

Do corn snakes burrow when they sleep?

not all of them they all have different sleeping habits. not two snakes are alike.

Are you sure snakes sleep?

snakes do not sleep they stay up and they mostly stay up diring nite time yep its true but thanks for wondering and if you think im wrong look on google