

Do somatic cell or gametes divide by mitosis?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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somatic cells divide by mitosis.

gametes, and sexual cell differentiation take place through meiosis.

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Q: Do somatic cell or gametes divide by mitosis?
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What type of cell divide in mitosis?

somatic cells

What types of cell use mitosis to divide?

all cells except for gametes.

What is the concept map for mitosis?

It gives picture of the cell divisions occurring in the somatic cells(all cells except the gametes)

What cell would use the process of mitosis?

Mitosis occurs in eukaryotic cells. Most animal and fungi cells divide by mitosis; except the gametes.

Do gametes come from germ cells of somatic cells?

somatic cell

What cell process is used to make gametes?

Gametes are Haploid (N) - From a Diploid (2N) cell, a cell must go through meiosis - From another Haploid cell, mitosis must occur to produce another cell.

Does the cell divide in two during mitosis?

No, because gametes do not divide. Specific cells called "germ cells" give rise to gametes through a process called meiosis. After that gametes do not divide again and simply wait until an opportunity arises in which they can pair up with their other gamete cell and form a zygote.

What type of cell undergoes mitosis?

Mitosis is the form of cell division that most eukaryotic cells undergo. In humans, all somatic (non-sex) cells use mitosis to divide. Sex-cells use meiosis instead of mitosis.

Which types of cells are created by mitosis?

Somatic cells are produced from mitosis. Gametes are produced from meiosis.

Mitosis happen's where?

Mitosis happens in the body cell'sIt happens in somatic cells. Only sex cell producing cells undergo meiosis

Are Cells that become gametes are called somatic cell lines?


How do chromosomes transmit from cell to cell in the somatic cell?

A somatic cell is a cell that reproduces by mitosis. Therefore, a somatic cell transfers its information (in the chromosomes) by producing two daughter cells.