

Do some drinks have sweat in them?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Not by intent, but depending on how they're made there might be some in there unintentionally.

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Q: Do some drinks have sweat in them?
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How do you control sweat?

You stay in a cold area and eat cold drinks and food

Why does your perspiration taste salty?

because there is Salt in your sweat... which is why you are suppossed to drink electrolyte drinks after you workout... to replace the sweat and other stuff you lose.

What kind of substances are used in sports drinks and why?

alot of sugar and salt because when you work out you sweat. When you sweat you lose the water,sugar and salts in your body.

Why are sport drinks good for an athletes hydration?

They aren't always good. Sometimes they are beneficial due to the electrolytes, which are essentially salts, that replace the salt that is lost in sweat. Most sport drinks, however, are mostly sugar water that tastes good. It is often times better to drink water or mix sports drinks with water.

Are sports drinks a valuable tool in maintaining water balance?

Sports drinks replace electrolytes (salts and minerals lost through sweat); but can still leave you thirsty.

Why are there stains under chair cushion?

They are, at best, sweat, and spilled soft drinks. You do not want to know what the worst is.

What drinks contain Stevia?

Here are a few drinks that contain Stevia Coca-cola Life, Vitamin Water Zero, and Pepsi True.

Does rain contain sweat?

Some of the water in rain was probably in sweat at some point, but sweat itself is not a component of rain.

What causes salt on your skin when you sweat?

Sweat contains a large amount of sodium- this is why sports drinks contain salt (electrolytes) to help you replace the salt that you lose when sweating during physical exertion.

How do sweat glands contribute to temperature regulation in mammals?

Some mammals do not sweat. For mammals that do sweat, evaporation of the sweat is how cooling works.

Can you sweat alchol out your system?

Yes. You excrete water both through sweat and urination, as alcohol is a diuretic. Dehydration is a major component of hangovers. There is not enough liquid in drinks -- even beer -- to make up for the effects of the alcohol.