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Q: Do some people think there is no exosphere?
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What are the all layers of the atmosphere?

the layers of the atmosphere are: troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere and Exosphere. Although some people say that Exosphere isn't a layer it is the highest one.

What is found in the Exopshere?

I think you mean the: Exosphere. The Exosphere is the uppermost layer of the atmosphere and contains mainly Hydrogen with a bit of Helium as well as Carbon Dioxide with some Atomic Oxygen near the Exobase.

What contains in the exosphere?

From wikipedia, we know that hydrogen, helium, carbon dioxide, and some atomic oxygen in the exosphere.

What is the density of the exosphere?

The exosphere is the upper layer of the atmosphere. The exosphere has a very low density, due to the lighter gases that are present in the exosphere. Hydrogen, with some helium, carbon dioxide, and atomic oxygen is found near the exobase. he exosphere is the last layer before outer space.

What does the prefix Exo mean in exosphere?

The prefix "exo-" means external or outside, meaning that the exosphere is outside what we normally think of as the atmosphere, and is an extension of Earth's molecules into space.

Who discovered the exosphere?

explorer 1- the first U.S. satellite

What color is the exosphere?

The exosphere is rainbow

What is the uppermost atmospheric layer?

The exosphere is Earth's uppermost atmospheric layer. The thermosphere is the largest layer of the Earth's atmosphere and lies between the exosphere and mesoshpere. Since there is no clear boundary between the exosphere and outer space, there are some who argue that it is part of outer space. However, it does have gases that slowly drift into space, eg. hydrogen and helium throughout and some carbon dioxide and oxygen at the exobase. So, most would argue that the exosphere is part of Earth's atmosphere, and that the controversy is largely a matter of semantics, and awaits improved definition.

What does the exosphere?

The exosphere's job is to hold satellites

What is te thickness of the exosphere?

what is the thickness of the exosphere

How thick is the exosphere?

The exosphere is 9,000-9,500 km

What are some science words that begin with exo?

exoskeleton, exothermic, exosphere.