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yes. think of all the people in the world who might! millions! i for one, am learning.

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Q: Do some people use Egyptian hieroglyphics?
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What were the three types of ancient Egyptian writing which was formal?

Egyptologists have separated the three types of writing from according to how it looks. They are hieroglyphic, hieratic, and demotic.Hieroglyphic is what you see inscribed on stones. Hieratic was used by the priests to write their religious or political manuscripts. It looks more like a hand written form of hieroglyphics. The third one is called demotic. It is a form of hand writing script for everyday use, seen towards the end of the Egyptian period.

How do you use Egyptian in a sentence?

"Are you Egyptian?" "Yes, I am from Egypt, there for I am an Egyptian."

How did the alphabet originate?

The first semi-phonetic writing system was a set of 24 symbols used in Egyptian Hieroglyphics. The Phoenicians were the first to use only phonetic symbols. They had an alphabet of 22 consonants, but the vowels were not written. The Greeks were the first use us phonetic symbols for all the sounds of a language (the first pure alphabet)

Are eygptian hieroglyphics more advanced than sumerian cuneiform?

Hieroglyphics are more advanced even however, cuneiform may be spreaded out worldwide, hieroglyphics used papyrus which is like paper we right in today. Cuneiform is written in clay tablets. Also cuneiform was much earlier than the hieroglyphics. The last thing I know is that Hierohlyphics was read horizontally to and vertically and had more letters to use than Cuneiform...

What type of calendar did the Egyptians use?

They used the Egyptian Calender.

Related questions

How many people use hieroglyphics in other countries?

Nobody uses hieroglyphics in any country, except as decorations to create an "Egyptian" theme.

Is hieroglyphics associated with Egyptian history?

The egyptians used hieroglyphics instead of A,B,C and 1,2,3. Instead they had their own little way which people still use today.

Why did the Chinese use hieroglyphics?

No, but they used something similar to it though.

Who was the first Egyptian to use hieroglyphics?

Hieroglyphics became a writing system around the 28th Century BCE, but no one knows who started using them first.

Which country did people use hieroglyphics to write?

The country that people had used hieroglyphics was Egypt.

In which country did people use hieroglyphics to write?

The country that people had used hieroglyphics was Egypt.

How did the use of hieroglyphics help the egyptians builders?

The use of hieroglyphics helped Egyptian builders to communicate and organize their work. The overseer's could make lists of supplies needed and tasks that needed to be done.

Use Rosetta stone in a sentence?

The Rosetta Stone was helped to find out the meaning and the words of the Egyptian Hieroglyphics!

Why did Rosetta stone discovery help modern day scholars decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics?

It provided the first chance to understand Egyptian Hieroglyphics writing by providing the same text in Hieroglyphics, Demotic, and Greek. Both the Greek and Demotic could be read to find out what was being said on the stone, the Hieroglyphics could then be compared and analyzed for patterns (similar to the way codes and cyphers are broken).

How do yo use hieroglyphics in a sentence?

Hieroglyphics was the system of picture writing used by the ancient Egyptians. An example of this word used in a sentence would be, "The ancient Egyptians kept excellent records of their society via the use of scribes who used hieroglyphics."

How can you use the word comprehensible in a sentence?

(able to be understood) "The translations on the Rosetta Stone made Egyptian hieroglyphics comprehensible."

How do you use the word hieroglyphics in a sentence?

The ancient Egyptian civilization used hieroglyphics as their writing system, which consisted of various symbols and images to convey meaning. Today, archaeologists and scholars study hieroglyphics to better understand the culture and history of ancient Egypt.