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yes salt or hot water melts ice because i tryed it myself

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12y ago
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12y ago

Balls no. Pepper will not increase the rate at which ice melts. In fact it might even slow it down. Salt on the other hand lowers the freezing point.

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15y ago

no salt does

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14y ago

no way dude

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Ice will melt faster with salt than with baking soda. Salt lowers the freezing point of water, making it easier for the ice to melt. Baking soda, on the other hand, does not have the same effect on melting ice as salt.

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Other way around, it comes down to surface area/mass

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Paprika will NOT melt ice.

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# #

How much time does it take for table salt kosher salt epsom salt rock salt to melt ice which is the quickest and why?

Most people prefer rock salt to melt ice (sidewalks, driveways, etc) over table salt because it does not cake on the surface like table salt. As for effectiveness, they all combat ice the same. All edible salts are kosher unless something is added to them to render the salt non-kosher such as flavourings. There is no specific type of salt that is "kosher salt".

What is the hypothesis of this question what makes ice melt the fastest sand salt sugar or pepper?

You need to determine what you think will melt the fastest, and that will be your hypothesis. If you think that pepper will melt it faster, you would say "My hypothesis is that the pepper will melt ice faster than the other variables (sand, salt, and sugar)."

What is the hypothesis of this question what makes ice melt the fastest sand salt sugar or sugar?

You need to determine what you think will melt the fastest, and that will be your hypothesis. If you think that pepper will melt it faster, you would say "My hypothesis is that the pepper will melt ice faster than the other variables (sand, salt, and sugar)."

Does salt water melt quicker than regular water?

Yes, salt water can melt ice quicker than regular water. This is because salt lowers the freezing point of water, which allows the ice to melt at a lower temperature.

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