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Q: Do spiders reuse their webs or build new ones everyday?
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Do spiders kill ticks?

no but big ones do

What are the types of spiders in Tennessee?

Brown Recluse and Black Widows are the most common poisonous ones, but there are many types of spiders including wolf spiders and garden spiders.

Where does spider girl live?

Female spiders are actually the ones we see in our homes and gardens. Males tend to be more nomadic. They may build webs or actively hunt their prey, but their life is relatively short. Females are larger and build permanent homes.

About how many known species of spiders are there?

In the world so far there are around 38,000 different kind of spiders. These are the ones known so far.But is the believe that there are more. They adapt themselves very well to any envioroment.

What spiders don't bite?

All spiders can bite, only the smaller ones cannot pierce the human skin.

Is Justin Bieber scared of spiders?

not little ones but he may not be :)

Do black widow spiders have hearts?

Yes.. tiny ones

Are all spiders poisonus?

Very few spiders are actually poisonous. Of the ones that are, only a small percentage of them are dangerous to humans.

Who are hummingbirds enimes?

its enimes are spiders, bees, and eagles are the top ones

Do super super small spiders have venom?

yes but only certain ones do

What is a type of animal that has eight legs?

Octopus and spiders are the only ones I do belive.

Would it cost more to keep the old prisons or just build new ones?

Cost nothing to build new ones if you slave drive the inmates to build them.