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Q: Do spring floods occur frequently on rivers in the Midwest?
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Related questions

Is it only rain that causes floods in rivers?

No, melting snow and ice also contributes substantially to river floods, especially in the spring.

When are floods most common?

Floods are most common during spring and summer

When do tornadoes in the Midwest occur?

Tornadoes can occur at any time, but in the midwest are most common in the spring and summer..

Why are floods especially common in the spring?

The answer is quite straightforward and linear: it tends to rain very often during the spring time. When enough precipitation has fallen at one time to slow down the city drainage system, floods occur. Rivers overflow, flooding the surrounding environment. An simpler way to remember this is the phrase "April showers, bring me flowers". The "showers" mean rain and rain is common in April, and April is in spring.

What season do floods normally occur?

spring or winter.

How did the location of bodies of water affect settlements in China?

Like other ancient civilizations, the first settlements in China grew up around rivers. The soil around the Yangtze and Huang He Rivers was rich and good for farming due to the silt that was deposited during the spring floods.

How did the location of bodies of water affected settlement in China?

Like other ancient civilizations, the first settlements in China grew up around rivers. The soil around the Yangtze and Huang He Rivers was rich and good for farming due to the silt that was deposited during the spring floods.

How did the locations of bodies of water affect settlement in china?

Like other ancient civilizations, the first settlements in China grew up around rivers. The soil around the Yangtze and Huang He Rivers was rich and good for farming due to the silt that was deposited during the spring floods.

How might the river basins of china have affected settlement-patterns?

Like other ancient civilizations, the first settlements in China grew up around rivers. The soil around the Yangtze and Huang He Rivers was rich and good for farming due to the silt that was deposited during the spring floods.

How are rivers and lakes used?

they can be but some are not. Rivers are not usually used unless they are spring rivers.

What type of mushroom is edible and collected from the Midwest every spring?


What is an edible mushroom in the Midwest people collect in the spring?
