

Do stars have rings

Updated: 10/26/2022
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8y ago

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Yes. The asteroid belt in between mars and jupiter is technically a ring around our sun. And also, some stars have accretion disks, which can be considered rings.

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Jordan Matthew Poole

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Q: Do stars have rings
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Do galaxy stars have rings?

Stars do not have rings. Planets have rings.

Saturn is known for its dazzling?

It is a gas giant, and it has easily visible rings.

Does Venus have stars?

No. Venus has no stars. Planets do not "have" stars, at least not in the way that they have moons or rings. It does orbit a star, however. This star is the Sun.

Why doesnt the sun have rings?

Because the sun is a star and stars don't have rings, since they're hot flaming balls of gas.

Do constellations have rings?

No. A constellation is not an object; it is a collection of otherwise unrelated stars that, from our vantage point, appear to form an image.

What best explains the darkness of the rings beyond Saturn's?

Saturn's rings are more prominent than the rings of planets behind them because of their size, composition, and how they form. Astronomers discovered the darkened rings beyond Saturn on Uranus and Neptune by noticing that the stars behind the planet darkened before it actually passed in front of them.

What is the actual name of those circular blades that assassins in movies throw?

Japanese throwing stars. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assume they meant Shuriken for the "stars". But if you really mean "circular" as in full on rings, then they're known as Chakram. Smaller rings are Quoit. Or for the truly low brow, "Chinese stars". Coming to a flea market table near you! Only a movie assassin would not loath these for use in taking anothers life.

What surrounds Saturn apart from the rings?

dust, soil, meteoroids, asteroids, rocks, may be other stars and universal heavenly bodies

Do all of the outer planets have rings?

Saturn has the most obvious ring system of course - visible from earth in even a small telescope. Almost all who see Saturn for the first time 'live' as it were in a telescope are really moved by its beauty. Uranus has a dark ring system that is visible from earth, but are only seen in a large telescope when the rings are at the right angle and the planet passes in front of stars behind. As the rings pass the stars the stars seem to 'blink' as they pass behind the dark rings. It was in this way that the Uranian rings were discovered. Thanks to the Voyager probes, thin ring systems were also found on Jupiter and Neptune, but neither system is visible from Earth, nor are they anywhere near as pronounced as Saturn.

Is Shia LaBeouf in the film the lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring?

No, Shia LaBeouf has never appeared in the film The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. The film stars Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, Orlando Bloom and Sean Bean..

Are the rings around Saturn star dust or something else?

Everything in the Solar System is star dust in the sense that it came from the interiors of stars that aged and died before our sun formed. However, the rings of Saturn are chunks of rocks and ice, and in that sense are not dust at all.

How do you get the chaos emeralds in sonic rush?

If you have noticed little swing like objects with stars on them jump on one and use your boost then you will enter a bonus level to collect rings