

Do stars move during the night?

Updated: 12/17/2022
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12y ago

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Yes but very very little movement........

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Q: Do stars move during the night?
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Do stars move in circles during the night?

stars don't move, the earth does.

Why the stars appear to move during the night?

stars seem to move because we are moving right now as we speak i guess you just see them move more at night

Why do stares appear to move across the sky during night?

cos some are shooting stars and comets! and stars move around

It cause stars to move apparently in one night?

The rotation of the Earth makes the stars appear to move in a circle, as viewed from the observer's position. The stars are always there, it is just that we can't see them during daylight.

Why do stars and constellation appear to move in the night sky?

Stars and constellations appear to move in the night sky because the Earth is rotating, while the stars and constellations stay there.

Explain why stars appear to move across the sky each night why are some stars only visible doing certain seasons?

Stars appear to move across the sky each night because the earth is moving, but not the stars. Also some stars are only visible during certain seasons because as the earth rotates, they become visible.

What makes the stars move at night?

they dont

Why do stars appear to move across the sky during the night?

stars don't move across the sky, we orbit the sun, as you should know, and as we orbit the sun we see the stars as moving but in all actuality we are just changing position and seeing the stars at a different perspective

Why are the stars outside a pole star curved?

The stars are not curved. But as time goes on during the night, each starappears to move along a circle, with the center of the circle at the poleof the sky.

How can you tell if it's a plane or a star during the night?

Stars move so slowly that it looks as if they are still. Comparatively, you can see a plane moving.

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during the night

Why stars are only seen at night?

Whether during the day or the night, stars are still there in the sky. It is that in daylight, it is impossible to see the stars and the moon due to the glare from the sky. Only during the darkness of night does stars and the moon becomes visible to the human eyes.