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Stimulants can temporarily increase feelings of self-confidence by boosting energy levels, enhancing focus, and reducing inhibitions. However, this effect is often short-lived and can be followed by a crash, leading to negative consequences like anxiety and self-doubt. Long-term use of stimulants can also lead to dependence and a decrease in overall self-confidence.

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What is the best medication to treat adult ADHD?

The best medication for adult ADHD depends on individual factors such as symptoms and medical history. Common medications include stimulants like Adderall and Ritalin, as well as non-stimulant options like Strattera and Wellbutrin. It's important to work closely with a healthcare provider to determine the most effective treatment for each person.

What will happen if you mix Prozac medicine with whiskey and hydroxycut?

Mixing Prozac with alcohol like whiskey can increase drowsiness and dizziness. Combining Prozac with Hydroxycut, a weight loss supplement containing stimulants, can lead to an increased risk of side effects like jitteriness, elevated heart rate, and high blood pressure. It's important to avoid mixing these substances and consult with a healthcare provider for proper guidance.

How do you get rid of Attention deficit order?

Treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) typically involves a combination of medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes. Medications like stimulants or non-stimulants can help improve focus and reduce impulsivity. Therapy, such as behavioral therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy, can also provide coping strategies and support. It's important to work with a healthcare provider to create a personalized treatment plan.

How do some drug affects emotions?

That when the drug goes in the body, the nervous system detected so it takes it and send some things to the brain.

What substance causes physiological or psychological dependence?

Substances like alcohol, opioids, benzodiazepines, and stimulants can lead to physiological and psychological dependence when used repeatedly. These substances can alter brain chemistry, leading to cravings, withdrawal symptoms, and difficulties in controlling their use.

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Do Stimulants increase alertness or decress alertness?

Stimulants increase alertness.

How do stimulants and depressants affect nerve activity?

stimulants increase activity and depressants decrease activity.

What effect do stimulants have?

they increase the rate of the heart and speed of movements.

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My child has tried both stimulants and non stimulants and both make him extremely hyperactive

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What are drugs called if they increase energy output?

Illegal drugs are called stimulants if they give you energy.

Is Amphetamine a depresent?

No. Amphetamines are stimulants which raise blood pressure and increase energy levels in the user.

Do stimulants increase heart rate?

yep. sometimes by dangerous amounts. this can sometimes cause heat attacks

What is the medical term meaning Drugs that increase heart rate blood pressure and breathing rate?


Amphetamines are a?

No. Ampheatamines are the exact opposite of deppresants. They are stimulants which when used for AD/HD medications stimulate the frontal lobe which can increase attention and help with school and work. They increase blood pressure which can be very dangerous when used with other stimulants like caffine, energy drinks and even cold medications. The use of multiple unperscribed stimulants can lead to heart attacks, and even death.

Does Concerta wake you up?

Yes; Concerta contains methylphenidate. Methylphenidate is drug used to treat ADHD and belongs to a class of drugs known as stimulants. Stimulants cause an increase in attention and focus, along with alertness.